Bash - Error: Syntax error: operand expected (error token is "testdir/.hidd1/")

Bash - Error: Syntax error: operand expected (error token is "testdir/.hidd1/")

我正在为 uni work 做一个任务,目的是计算给定目录中的所有文件和目录,然后是所有子目录。我们被禁止使用 find、locate、du 或任何递归命令(例如 ls -R)。 为了解决这个问题,我尝试制作自己的递归命令并将 运行 放入上面的错误中,更具体地说是 line 37: testdir/.hidd1/: syntax error: operand expected (error token is ".hidd1/") The Hierarchy I'm using 代码如下:

function searchDirectory {

    echo "curdir = $curdir" 
    # Rather than change directory ensure that each recursive call uses the $curdir/NameOfWantedDirectory
    noDir=$(ls -l -A $curdir| grep ^d | wc -l) # Work out the number of directories in the current directory
    echo "noDir = $noDir"

    shopt -s nullglob # Enable nullglob to prevent a null term being added to the array 
    directories=(*/ .*/) # Store all directories and hidden directories into the array 'directories'
    shopt -u nullglob #Turn off nullglob to ensure it doesn't later interfere
    echo "${directories[@]}" # Print out the array directories

    y=0 # Declares a variable to act as a index value
    for i in $( ls -d ${curdir}*/ ${curdir}.*/ ); do # loops through all directories both visible and hidden
        if [[ "${i:(-3)}" = "../" ]]; then
            echo "Found ./"
        elif [[ "${i:(-2)}" = "./" ]]; then
            echo "Found ../"
        else # When position i is ./ or ../ the loop advances otherwise the value is added to directories and y is incremented before the loop advances
            echo "Adding $i to directories"
            let "y++"
    done # Adds all directories except ./ and ../ to the array directories
    echo "${directories[@]}"
    if [[ "${noDir}" -gt "0" ]]; then
        for i in ${directories[@]}; do
            echo "at position i ${directories[$i]}"
            searchDirectory ${directories[$i]}        #### <--- line 37 - the error line
        done # Loops through subdirectories to reach the bottom of the hierarchy using recursion

    visfiles=$(ls -l $tgtdir | grep -v ^total | grep -v ^d | wc -l)
    # Calls the ls -l command which puts each file on a new line, then removes the line which states the total and any lines starting with a 'd' which would be a directory with grep -v,
    #finally counts all lines using wc -l
    hiddenfiles=$(expr $(ls -l -a $tgtdir | grep -v ^total | grep -v ^d | wc -l) - $visfiles) 
    # Finds the total number of files including hidden and puts them on a line each (using -l and -a (all)) removes the line stating the total as well as any directoriesand then counts them. 
    #Then stores the number of hidden files by expressing the complete number of files minus the visible files.
    visdir=$(ls -l $tgtdir | grep ^d | wc -l)
    # Counts visible directories by using ls -l then filtering it with grep to find all lines starting with a d indicating a directory. Then counts the lines with wc -l.
    hiddir=$(expr $(ls -l -a $tgtdir | grep ^d | wc -l) - $visdir)
    # Finds hidden directories by expressing total number of directories including hidden - total number of visible directories
    #At minimum this will be 2 as it includes the directories . and ..
    total=$(expr $visfiles + $hiddenfiles + $visdir + $hiddir) # Calculates total number of files and directories including hidden.
searchDirectory $tgtdir
echo "Total Files: $visfiles (+$hiddenfiles hidden)"
echo "Directories Found: $visdir (+$hiddir hidden)"
echo "Total files and directories: $total"
exit 0


第 37 行是 searchDirectory ${directories[$i]},我数了一下。是吗?

  • 将 for 循环替换为 for i in "${directories[@]}"; do - 添加双引号。这会将每个元素保留为自己的单词。
  • 将第 37 行替换为 searchDirectory "$i"for 循环为您提供 i 中数组的每个 元素 ,而不是每个 索引 。因此,您不需要再次进入 directories - i 已经有您需要的词。

此外,我注意到第 22 行和第 25 行的 echos 被交换了 :) .