'Index was outside the bounds of the array' 改变二维整数值

'Index was outside the bounds of the array' changing 2D int values

我是 C# 的新手,我创建了一个 5x5 网格,将网格中的每个数字增加 1,因此网格计数。

    public static void Main () {

        int width = 5;
        int height = 5;

        int gridNumber = 0;

        int[,] grid = new int[height, width];

            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {

                if (grid [x,y] + (gridNumber +1) < 10){
                    Console.Write (grid [x,y] + (gridNumber + 1) + "  | " );
                else if (grid [x,y] + (gridNumber +1) == 10) {
                    Console.Write (grid [x,y] + (gridNumber + 1) + " |" );
                else {
                    Console.Write (grid [x,y] + (gridNumber + 1) + " | " );


            Console.WriteLine ();


        Console.ReadKey ();

我的问题是每当我更改网格尺寸(将 int5 更改为其他任何内容)时,我都会收到一条错误消息 Index was outside the bounds of the array

int width = 5;

int height = 5;



int[,] grid = new int[height, width];

int[,] grid = new int[width, height];