HXT 使用 'orElse' 将缺失的属性值替换为默认值

HXT using 'orElse' to replace missing attribute value with default

我正在使用 HXT 解析一个简单的 XML 文件,需要用默认值替换标签缺失的属性。但是由于某些原因 orElse 没有按预期工作。

下面是 XML 文件:

<!-- window_home.xml -->
  <Window libraryItemName="panel_tabs" name="panel_tabs" selected="true">
      <Matrix ty="-11.8" />
  <Window libraryItemName="home_powerup_menu" name="home_powerup_menu" selected="true">
      <Matrix tx="12.4" />
  <Window libraryItemName="panel_name" name="panel_name" selected="true">
    <!-- data here  -->

有问题的标签是 Matrix。 下面是我的代码:

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
import Text.XML.HXT.Core

parseXML = readDocument [ withValidate no
                        , withRemoveWS yes  -- throw away formating WS

atTag tag = deep (isElem >>> hasName tag)

data XflMatrix = XflMatrix { a, b, c, d, tx, ty :: Float } deriving (Show)
initXflMatrix = XflMatrix { a = 1.0, d = 1.0, b = 0.0, c = 0.0, tx = 0.0, ty = 0.0 }

data UiWindow = UiWindow {
    wndName :: String,
    wndNameLib :: String,
    wndMatrix :: XflMatrix,
    wndChildren :: [UiWindow]
    } deriving (Show)

initUiWindow = UiWindow {
    wndName = "empty",
    wndNameLib = "",
    wndMatrix = initXflMatrix,
    wndChildren = []

parseDoc docName = runX $ parseXML fileName >>> getWindow
    fileName = docName ++ ".xml"

getMatrixFromTag = atTag "Matrix" >>> proc x -> do
    tx <- getFloatAttrib "tx" -< x
    ty <- getFloatAttrib "ty" -< x
    returnA -< initXflMatrix { tx = read tx :: Float, ty = read ty :: Float }
            --getFloatAttrib attribName = getAttrValue attribName
            getFloatAttrib attribName = getAttrValue attribName `orElse` constA "0.0"

getWindow = atTag "Window" >>> proc x -> do
    libraryItemName <- getAttrValue "libraryItemName" -< x
    name <- getAttrValue "name" -< x
    m <- getMatrixFromTag -< x
    children <- arrIO parseDoc -< libraryItemName
    returnA -< initUiWindow { wndName = name, wndNameLib = libraryItemName, wndChildren = children, wndMatrix = m}

documentName = "DOMDocument.xml"        

parseRoot = parseXML documentName
--runX (parseRoot >>> getWindow )


getFloatAttrib attribName = getAttrValue attribName `orElse` constA "0.0"

没有 return "0.0".


好吧,那是愚蠢的。 我应该检查类型:

λ: :t getAttrValue
getAttrValue :: ArrowXml a => String -> a XmlTree String
λ: :t hasAttr
hasAttr :: ArrowXml a => String -> a XmlTree XmlTree


getFloatAttrib attribName = (hasAttr attribName >>> getAttrValue attribName) `orElse` constA "0.0"
