
Difference between upper and lower case double (float) type specifiers in C



根据 printfscanf 输出是相等的。那为什么大小写都有效呢?

请注意,scanf double 的类型说明符以小写字母开头 l

specifier   Output  Example
d or i  Signed decimal integer  392
u   Unsigned decimal integer    7235
o   Unsigned octal  610
x   Unsigned hexadecimal integer    7fa
X   Unsigned hexadecimal integer (uppercase)    7FA
f   Decimal floating point, lowercase   392.65
F   Decimal floating point, uppercase   392.65
e   Scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), lowercase  3.9265e+2
E   Scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), uppercase  3.9265E+2
g   Use the shortest representation: %e or %f   392.65
G   Use the shortest representation: %E or %F   392.65
a   Hexadecimal floating point, lowercase   -0xc.90fep-2
A   Hexadecimal floating point, uppercase   -0XC.90FEP-2
c   Character   a
s   String of characters    sample
p   Pointer address b8000000
n   Nothing printed.
The corresponding argument must be a pointer to a signed int.
The number of characters written so far is stored in the pointed location.  
%   A % followed by another % character will write a single % to the stream.    %

The Source of above

%f%F 的区别在于它们将无穷大和 NaN 打印为小写还是大写。这是一个例子:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(){
    printf("%f and %f\n", INFINITY, nan("0"));    //Prints "inf and nan"
    printf("%F and %F\n", INFINITY, nan("0"));    //Prints "INF and NAN"
    return 0;

%f%F 在打印实数时是相同的。例如,printf("%f", 1.0)printf("%F", 1.0) 做完全相同的事情。

请注意 %F 仅适用于 C99 或 C++。

%e%E的区别在于分隔数字和指数的"e"是小写还是大写(例如1.0e+01.0E+0。它对无穷大和 Nan 也有影响,就像 %f%F 一样。这是一个例子:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main(){
    printf("%e, %e and %e\n", INFINITY, nan("0"), 1.0); //Prints "inf, nan and 1.0000e+00"
    printf("%E, %E and %E\n", INFINITY, nan("0"), 1.0); //Prints "INF, NAN and 1.0000E+00"
    return 0;

%g%G的区别在于%g%e%f之间最短的,%G取最短的%E%F 之间最短。