
Generate all unordered pairs of bit strings with Hamming distance at most 2

我正在寻找一种有效的方法来生成汉明距离最多为 2 的所有无序位串对(表示为整数)。在 this answer 中显示了这是如何非常有效地完成的对于汉明距离为 1 的对。

换句话说,上面的答案给了我们超立方体 hypercube graph. Phrased in these terms, I'm looking for an efficient way to generate the edges of the square 的所有边。


Nate Kohl's answer 有一个简单的修改。

int n = 3;
// examine all vertices from 0...2^n-1
unsigned long long max = 1ULL << n;  
for (unsigned long long vertex = 0; vertex < max; ++vertex) {
  std::cout << vertex << ':';
  // print all vertices that differ from vertex by one bit
  unsigned long long mask = 1;
  for (int shift_amt = 0; shift_amt < n; ++shift_amt) {
    std::cout << ' ' << (vertex ^ (mask << shift_amt));
  for (int shift_amt1 = 0; shift_amt1 < n; ++shift_amt1) {
    for (int shift_amt2 = 0; shift_amt2 < shift_amt1; ++shift_amt2) {
      std::cout << ' ' << (vertex ^ (mask << shift_amt1) ^ (mask << shift_amt2));
  std::cout << '\n';