"Ping" 在 Cygwin 兼职中导致 "command not found"

"Ping" causing "command not found" in Cygwin part-time

如果我使用它创建的开始菜单快捷方式启动 Cygwin,我可以访问 pinginetutils。但是,如果我直接从 C:\Cygwin64\Bin\mintty.exe 启动 Cygwin,那么就没有 ping 了;不是您从非管理员启动中获得的 "socket operation not permitted message",如果根本没有安装 ping,我会得到您收到的那个。

我是不是忽略了什么?快捷方式中唯一的开关是“-i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico”,手动将其添加到我自己创建的快捷方式并不能纠正这种情况。这发生在 Windows 8.1 Pro 的管理员帐户中。

运行 mintty 不带参数将 运行 你的 $SHELL 但不是登录 shell,不会设置 PATH 等.

来自 mintty 文档 synopsis and invocation:

mintty [OPTION]... [ - | PROGRAM [ARG]... ] [...]

If a program name is supplied on the command line, this is executed with any additional arguments given. Otherwise, mintty looks for a shell to execute in the SHELL environment variable. If that is not set, it reads the user’s default shell setting from /etc/passwd. As a last resort, it falls back to /bin/sh. If a single dash is specified instead of a program name, the shell is invoked as a login shell.


c:\cygwin64\bin\mintty -
