Gemfire 和 HBase 连接器

Gemfire and HBase Connector

我想构建 Gemfire to/from HBase 连接器,用于从 GemFire 到 Hbase 的实时数据插入,反之亦然,关于此的任何指示都会有很大帮助。 基本要求是将数据驱逐到 Hbase 中,过期数据应刷新到 Hbase,如果发生缓存未命中,应从 Hbase 中提取数据。

这可以通过实施 CacheListener and CacheLoader interfaces, respectively. You can register 1 or more CacheListeners along with a CacheLoader on the Region(s) tied to HBase. I am not sure what event is fired during "eviction", but during "expiration", the afterInvalidate 触发来实现。

Eviction, Expiration, Syncing with Outside DataSources, Events and Event Handling, and specifically, Event Handlers 上查看 GemFire UG。
