用于填充查找字段的 Salesforce 触发器
Salesforce Trigger to populate a lookup field
我正在尝试在潜在客户上创建 salesforce 触发器,如果存在与潜在客户的公司自定义字段同名的帐户,该触发器会自动填充将当前潜在客户链接到现有帐户的查找字段。
trigger Link_Lead_To_Account on Lead (before insert ) {
Set<String> whatIDs = new Set<String>();
MAP<id,String> accountMap= new MAP<id,String>();
// save the leads that have been triggered
for (Lead l : Trigger.new) {
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id,Company FROM Lead where ID=:whatIDs ];
// loop through the triggered leads, if the account.name == to lead.company then link the found account to the lead
for (Integer i = 0; i <Trigger.new.size(); i++)
// System.Debug('++++++++++++++'+Trigger.new[i].company+Trigger.new[i].id);
for(Account ac :[Select name,id from Account])
Trigger.new[i].Account__c= ac.id;
// System.Debug('Trigger.new[i].Account__c::::'+Trigger.new[i].Account__c);
// System.Debug('Trigger.new[i].company:::::'+Trigger.new[i].company);
// System.Debug('Trigger.new[i].ID:::::'+Trigger.new[i].ID);
update leads;
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger Link_Lead_To_Account caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Link_Lead_To_Account: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: TestAccount2: External entry point
因为它要求 Company 字段是一个 ID,但是当我写一个 ID 时它不会执行任何更改。
这是工作 class,其中 newLeads.Values() 在构造函数中填充到插入事件之前的 Trigger.new() 值:
public void LinkLeadToAccount() {
Set<String> companies = new Set<String>();
for (Lead l: newLeads.values()) {
if (l.Company != null) companies.add(l.Company);
if (companies.size() > 0) {
// Pick most recent Account where more than one with same name
Map<String, Id> accountNameToId = new Map<String, Id>();
for (Account a : [
select Name, Id
from Account
where Name in :companies
order by CreatedDate
]) {
accountNameToId.put(a.Name, a.Id);
if (accountNameToId.size() > 0) {
Lead[] updates = new Lead[] {};
for (Lead l: newLeads.values()) {
if (l.Company != null) {
Id accountId = accountNameToId.get(l.Company);
if (accountId != null) {
updates.add(new Lead(Id = l.Id, Account__c = accountId));
System.debug(' leads_to_update : ' + updates.size() + ' leads_to_update : ' + updates);
update updates;
我正在尝试在潜在客户上创建 salesforce 触发器,如果存在与潜在客户的公司自定义字段同名的帐户,该触发器会自动填充将当前潜在客户链接到现有帐户的查找字段。
trigger Link_Lead_To_Account on Lead (before insert ) {
Set<String> whatIDs = new Set<String>();
MAP<id,String> accountMap= new MAP<id,String>();
// save the leads that have been triggered
for (Lead l : Trigger.new) {
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id,Company FROM Lead where ID=:whatIDs ];
// loop through the triggered leads, if the account.name == to lead.company then link the found account to the lead
for (Integer i = 0; i <Trigger.new.size(); i++)
// System.Debug('++++++++++++++'+Trigger.new[i].company+Trigger.new[i].id);
for(Account ac :[Select name,id from Account])
Trigger.new[i].Account__c= ac.id;
// System.Debug('Trigger.new[i].Account__c::::'+Trigger.new[i].Account__c);
// System.Debug('Trigger.new[i].company:::::'+Trigger.new[i].company);
// System.Debug('Trigger.new[i].ID:::::'+Trigger.new[i].ID);
update leads;
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger Link_Lead_To_Account caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: Link_Lead_To_Account: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.StringException: Invalid id: TestAccount2: External entry point
因为它要求 Company 字段是一个 ID,但是当我写一个 ID 时它不会执行任何更改。
我设法修复了它。 这是工作 class,其中 newLeads.Values() 在构造函数中填充到插入事件之前的 Trigger.new() 值:
public void LinkLeadToAccount() {
Set<String> companies = new Set<String>();
for (Lead l: newLeads.values()) {
if (l.Company != null) companies.add(l.Company);
if (companies.size() > 0) {
// Pick most recent Account where more than one with same name
Map<String, Id> accountNameToId = new Map<String, Id>();
for (Account a : [
select Name, Id
from Account
where Name in :companies
order by CreatedDate
]) {
accountNameToId.put(a.Name, a.Id);
if (accountNameToId.size() > 0) {
Lead[] updates = new Lead[] {};
for (Lead l: newLeads.values()) {
if (l.Company != null) {
Id accountId = accountNameToId.get(l.Company);
if (accountId != null) {
updates.add(new Lead(Id = l.Id, Account__c = accountId));
System.debug(' leads_to_update : ' + updates.size() + ' leads_to_update : ' + updates);
update updates;