发布到 Capsule CRM 和 "AJAX Proxy"

Posting to Capsule CRM and an "AJAX Proxy"

我正在尝试使用 http://support.capsulecrm.com/customer/portal/articles/1639817-website-contact-form-integration post 一个 Capsule CRM 页面,我可以很容易地开始工作。但是,我想 post 使用 AJAX,但一直遇到 CORS 错误。 Capsule CRM 人员已将其关闭,因此您无法使用 AJAX 提交而不会遇到此错误。


To do your requests using AJAX your website will need an additional page that will process your webform POST on your site instead of sending it directly to Capsule. This is sometimes called an AJAX Proxy. This page just forwards the post onto the Capsule webform url for processing, if you don't specify a "COMPLETE_URL" on your post the form will return an HTTP 200 response instead of a redirect to make it a bit easier for you to handle.

我花了很大一部分时间在互联网上寻找 "AJAX proxy" 我似乎无法找到一个例子并开始努力让它工作。希望一些代码可以帮助解决我的问题。


<form id="contact-form" class="form">
  <label>Name: </label>
  <input type="text" name="PERSON_NAME" placeholder="Name" value="" required/>
  <label>Email: </label>
  <input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Email" value="" required  /><br>
  <label>Telephone: </label>
  <input type="text" name="PHONE" placeholder="Telephone number" value="" required /><br>
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
<div class="result">


$(文档).ready(函数() {


    var messages = $('#result');
    var formData = $('.form').serialize();

        type        : "POST",
        url         : capsule.php,
        data        : formData
    .done(function(response) {
            console.log("Success: " + response);
    .error(function(response)   {
            console.log("Error: " + response);


<form action="https://service.capsulecrm.com/service/newlead" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="FORM_ID" value="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX">
    <input type="text" name="FIRST_NAME" value="$_POST['PERSON_NAME']">
    <input type="text" name="LAST_NAME" value="$_POST['PERSON_NAME']">
    <input type="text" name="EMAIL" value="$_POST['PERSON_NAME']">

我几乎需要做一个双 post。我需要 post 数据到 Capsule.php,然后我需要 post。如果该响应成功,则将其全部反转并更新 form.html 而不刷新。或者有人知道我应该如何组成"AJAX proxy"吗?

这是我第一次单独钻研 AJAX 所以请保持温柔 :)。


在尝试了下面的答案并进行了调试后,我在开发人员工具的控制台中找到了它。很难调试,因为我无法访问 Capsules CRM 服务器,所以我目前也在通过电子邮件向他们发送有关我遇到的问题的信息:

    [url] => https://service.capsulecrm.com/service/newlead
    [content_type] => 
    [http_code] => 404
    [header_size] => 315
    [request_size] => 206
    [filetime] => -1
    [ssl_verify_result] => 0
    [redirect_count] => 0
    [total_time] => 0.397695
    [namelookup_time] => 0.045858
    [connect_time] => 0.109964
    [pretransfer_time] => 0.268374
    [size_upload] => 705
    [size_download] => 0
    [speed_download] => 0
    [speed_upload] => 1772
    [download_content_length] => 0
    [upload_content_length] => 705
    [starttransfer_time] => 0.333441
    [redirect_time] => 0


您误解了 AJAX 代理概念。

capsule.php 脚本不应包含表单 HTML,它应该从 form.html 接收 AJAX 请求数据,并通过 send/pass 将其发送到 Capsule CRM 页面POST 请求。这可以通过多种方式完成:CURL、file_get_contents() 和其他。

下面是 CURL 实现:

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => 'https://service.capsulecrm.com/service/newlead',
    CURLOPT_NOBODY => false,
    CURLOPT_POST => true,
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ($response && curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200)
    return $response;
header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'].' 404 Not Found');