从地图获取我的 DFS 遍历的节点 - Java

getNode for my DFS traversal from a Map - Java

我正在尝试在遍历我的 DFS 堆栈时尽可能快地获取此代码 运行ning 当前输入文件如下所示:

0 2
2 1
1 4
4 5
5 6
10 8
8 9
9 6
7 6
3 4
0 1
3 9
0 4

我的 Maze class 会将数字联系在一起并为我创建一个图表。创建图表后,我的 DFS class 运行 通过遍历为 .txt 文件提供一个或所有解决方案 submitted.I 最近改变了我的 Maze class 至于它 运行 更有效但是我被抛出错误并且数据正在解析到我的 DFS 以输出。我的新Mazeclass如下:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Maze {

    private final Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> adjList = new HashMap<>();

     * The main constructor that takes a String for reading maze file.
     * @param file
    public Maze(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
        try (Scanner scan = new Scanner(file)) {
            while (scan.hasNextInt()) {
                int node1 = scan.nextInt();
                int node2 = scan.nextInt();
                this.connect(node1, node2);
                this.connect(node2, node1);

     * Makes a unidirectional connection from node1 to node2.
    private void connect(int node1, int node2) {
        if (!this.adjList.containsKey(node1)) {
            this.adjList.put(node1, new HashSet<Integer>());

     * Returns a human-readable description of the adjacency lists.
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Integer>> adj : this.adjList.entrySet()) {
            int from = adj.getKey();
            Set<Integer> to = adj.getValue();
            s.append(from).append(" connected to ").append(to).append('\n');
        return s.toString();

     * Returns the set of nodes connected to a particular node.
     * @param node - the node whose neighbors should be fetched
    public Iterable<Integer> getadjList(int node) {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(adjList.get(node));

     * Demonstration of file reading.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
        System.err.print("Enter File: ");
        Scanner scanFile = new Scanner(System.in);
        String file = scanFile.nextLine();
        Maze m = new Maze(new File(file));


我正在尝试通过我的节点,以便它可以在我的其他 class 中应用于我的 dfs 算法。我的 DFS class 就是这样。我相信我在正确的路线上,只需要一点帮助就可以到达那里:

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class DFS {
    //starting node, the route to the next node, has node been visited
    private int startNode; 
    private int goalNode; 
    private int[] route;
    private boolean[] visited;

    // 2 main arguments - Maze File & user input
    public DFS(Maze maze, int input) {
        int startNode = 0;
        int goalNode = 1;
        route = new int[maze.adjList.getNode()];
        visited = new boolean[maze.adjList.getNode()];
        //Takes user's input and runs desired function
        if(input == 1){
        findOne(maze, startNode, goalNode);
        else if (input == 2){
        findAll(maze, startNode, goalNode);
        else {
            System.out.println("input invalid. No Solution Returned");

    //Put path to goal in the stack
    public Stack<Integer> route(int toGoalNode) {
        if (!visited[toGoalNode]) {
            return null;
        Stack<Integer> pathStack = new Stack<Integer>();
        for (int routeGoalNode = toGoalNode; routeGoalNode != startNode; routeGoalNode = route[routeGoalNode]) {
        return pathStack;

    //Reverse the stack
    public void reverseStack(Stack<Integer> stackToBeReverse) {

        if (stackToBeReverse.isEmpty()) {

        int bottom = popBottomStack(stackToBeReverse);

    //Pop the bottom of the stack
    private int popBottomStack(Stack<Integer> stackToBeReverse) {
        int popTopStack = stackToBeReverse.pop();
        if (stackToBeReverse.isEmpty()) {
            return popTopStack;
        } else {
            int bottomStack = popBottomStack(stackToBeReverse);
            return bottomStack;

    //performs DFS and unsets visited to give the result of all paths 
    private void findAll(Maze maze, int node, int goal) {
        visited[node] = true; 
        if(node == goal) { 
        } else {
            for (int con : maze.getadjList(node)) {
                if (!visited[con]) {
                    route[con] = node;
                    findAll(maze, con, goal);
        visited[node] = false; 

  //performs DFS and maintains visited marker giving only one path
    private void findOne(Maze maze, int node, int goal) {
            visited[node] = true;
            for (int con : maze.getadjList(node)) {
                if (!visited[con]) {
                    route[con] = node;
                    findOne(maze, con, goal);

    //Traverse the connections to the goal and print the path taken
    public void printPath( int toGoal) {
        int goalNode = 1;
        if (visited[toGoal]) {
            System.out.println("Completed Path: ");
            for (int t : route(toGoal)) {
                if (t == toGoal) {
                } else {
                    System.out.print(t + " -> ");

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner scanFile = new Scanner(System.in);
        int goalNode = 1;
        System.out.print("Enter maze file: ");
        String file = scanFile.nextLine();
        Maze maze = new Maze(new File(file));
        Scanner scanInt = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.print("Enter desired feedback (1 = one soultion, 2 = all): ");
        int input = scanInt.nextInt();
        DFS dfs = new DFS(maze, input);


我希望实现一个 getNode() 来针对我的 adjList 引用我在 DFS 中的行:

route = new int[maze.adjList.getNode()];
visited = new boolean[maze.adjList.getNode()];



    route = new int[maze.adjList.size()];
    visited = new boolean[maze.adjList.size()];