Asp.Net MVC html.DropDownList 根据所选值的操作

Asp.Net MVC html.DropDownList Action according to selected value

我创建了一个带有公司名称 DropDownList 的 Tenders 网络应用程序。我从特定目录中获取这些名称,将其放入数组中并复制到列表中,然后添加字符串“-Add new-”,以便在用户选择此选项时创建一个操作。

第一个问题:当用户选择“-Add new-”并输入名称并单击 "Add", 它在我的“\我的网络目录\”中创建了一个新文件夹?


//The controller
public class TenderController : Controller
    // GET: /Tender/
    public ActionResult AddNewTender()
        //Get companies directory and put it into a string array
        string[] compNameArray = Directory.GetDirectories(@"//My network directory\");
        int i = 0;
        foreach (string txtName in compNameArray)
            //Copy to another string every directory name only with the las name file (the company name)
            string txtDirName = txtName.Substring(txtName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);
            //Update the companies name array with the companies name only
            compNameArray[i] = txtDirName;
        //Copy the companies name array to a list
        List<string> compList = new List<string>(compNameArray);
        //Remove from the list the names above
        compList.Remove("New folder");
        //Add the "add new" option to the list
        compList.Add("-Add new-");
        ViewBag.ListOfCompanies = compList;
        return View();


            <td dir="rtl">
                @Html.DropDownList("companyName", new SelectList(ViewBag.ListOfCompanies, Model))

页面: It looks like this


Run javascript after dropdownlist change.

在 Javascript 中,您应该检查下拉值。

那么你可以create a button from the Javascript.



和第一个问题一样的技巧,使用onchange事件运行 Javascript。 在 Javascript 你可以 add values to dropdownlists.