R:在 r 中创建具有特定相关性的数据集

R: Create dataset with specific correlation in r


问题与此类似:Generate numbers with specific correlation


out <- mvrnorm(10, mu = c(0,0), Sigma = matrix(c(1,0.56,0.56,1),, ncol = 2), 
                mpirical = TRUE)


            [,1]         [,2]
 [1,] -0.4152618  0.033311146
 [2,]  0.7617759 -0.181852441
 [3,] -1.6393045 -1.054752469
 [4,] -1.7872420 -0.605214425
 [5,]  0.9581152  2.511000955
 [6,]  0.5048160 -0.278329145
 [7,]  0.8656220  0.483521747
 [8,] -0.1385699  0.017395548
 [9,]  0.3261103 -0.932889606
[10,]  0.5639388  0.007808691

具有以下相关性 table cor(out):

     [,1] [,2]
[1,] 1.00 0.56
[2,] 0.56 1.00

但我希望数据集包含更高、没有负数和更远的数字 例如:

       x   y
   1   5   5
   2  20  20
   3  30  30
   4 100 100

相关系数为 1:

    x y
  x 1 1
  y 1 1

距离越远,我的意思是 "more" 随机且值更大,就像我上面的示例一样。



out <- as.data.frame(mvrnorm(10, mu = c(0,0), 
                     Sigma = matrix(c(1,0.56,0.56,1),, ncol = 2), 
                     empirical = TRUE))

out$V1.s <- (out$V1 - min(out$V1))*1000+10
out$V2.s <- (out$V2 - min(out$V2))*200+30

现在数据框 out 有 "shifted" 列 V1.sV2.s,它们是非负的 "large"。您可以在上面的代码中使用任何您想要的数字,而不是 1000、10、200 和 30。相关性的答案仍然是 0.56。

> cor(out$V1.s, out$V2.s)
[1] 0.56

感谢 Curt F。​​这对我生成一些模拟数据集很有帮助。我添加了一些选项来指定大约。 X 和 Y 所需的平均值和范围。它还提供输出,以便您可以检查斜率和截距以及绘制点和回归线。

# Desired correlation
d.cor <- 0.5
# Desired mean of X
d.mx <- 8
# Desired range of X
d.rangex <- 4
# Desired mean of Y
d.my <- 5
# Desired range of Y
d.rangey <- 2
# Calculations to create multipliation and addition factors for mean and range of X and Y
mx.factor <- d.rangex/6
addx.factor <- d.mx - (mx.factor*3)
my.factor <- d.rangey/6
addy.factor <- d.my - (my.factor*3)
# Generate data
out <- as.data.frame(mvrnorm(1000, mu = c(0,0), 
                             Sigma = matrix(c(1,d.cor,d.cor,1), ncol = 2), 
                             empirical = TRUE))
# Adjust so that values are positive and include factors to match desired means and ranges
out$V1.s <- (out$V1 - min(out$V1))*mx.factor + addx.factor
out$V2.s <- (out$V2 - min(out$V2))*my.factor + addy.factor
# Create liniear model to calculate intercept and slope
fit <- lm(out$V2.s ~ out$V1.s, data=out)
# Plot scatterplot along with regression line
ggplot(out, aes(x=V1.s, y=V2.s)) + geom_point() + coord_fixed() + geom_smooth(method='lm')
# Produce summary table