是否可以使用 Catia vba 在产品中根据约束移动零件?

Is it possible to move a part with repect to constraints in Product using Catia vba?



我正在尝试使 Catia 产品中的操纵工具自动化。 是否存在任何命令或方法可以使用 vba 移动相对于 Catia 中的约束的零件?

有什么方法可以使用 vba 找到两个部分之间的冲突吗?



Here 是一个 link 可以找到冲突解决方案的地方。


计算 CATScript 中的冲突:

    Sub CATMain()

    ' get root product of document
    Dim RootProd As Product
    Set RootProd = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product

    ' retrieve selection object of active document
    Dim objSelection As Selection
    Set objSelection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection

    ' get two selected objects
    If (objSelection.Count2 <> 2) Then
    MsgBox "Before running the script you must select two products to compute clash for", vbOKOnly, "No products selected"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim FirstProd As Product
    Dim SecondProd As Product

    Set FirstProd = objSelection.Item2(1).Value
    Set SecondProd = objSelection.Item2(2).Value

    ' create groups for clash computation
    Dim objGroups As Groups
    Set objGroups = RootProd.GetTechnologicalObject("Groups")

    Dim grpFirst As Group
    Dim grpSecond As Group

    Set grpFirst = objGroups.Add()
    Set grpSecond = objGroups.Add()

    ' add selected products to groups
    grpFirst.AddExplicit FirstProd
    grpSecond.AddExplicit SecondProd

    ' get access to Clashes collection
    Dim objClashes As Clashes
    Set objClashes = RootProd.GetTechnologicalObject("Clashes")

    ' create new clash
    Dim newClash As Clash
    Set newClash = objClashes.Add()

    ' set new clash to be computed between two groups (two selected products)
    newClash.FirstGroup = grpFirst
    newClash.SecondGroup = grpSecond

    newClash.ComputationType = catClashComputationTypeBetweenTwo

    ' compute clash

    End Sub