如何在 NSFetchedResultsController 部分添加附加信息

How to add additional informations in NSFetchedResultsController's section

我在 UITableView 中有一个自定义部分,它有一个 UIImageView 和一个 UILabel。使用 NSFetchedResultsController 我可以根据截面模型设置图像吗?假设截面模型有 imageNamesectionTitle。基于当前的实现,我得到了 <NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo> 作为一个部分对象。是否可以通过部分对象中的自定义对象获取。


我想我明白你的意思了。您创建了一个 NSFetchedResultsController 对象,将某个实体作为参数传递给 sectionNameKey。所以你的自定义部分是基于这个实体的。我猜这就是你说的 'section model' 的意思。


//create array for demonstration purposes
var exampleArray = [[YourEntityType]]()

for sectionInfo in fetchedResultsController.sections! {

//this will give you an array with all the objects in the section            
let objectsForSection = sectionInfo.objects as! [YourEntityType]

//this will add the array above to another array, so you will have access to all the objects of all the sections      


//create sectionInfo variable, where 2 is the number of the section (the third section in this example
let sectionInfo = fetchedResultsController.sections![2]

//access the needed entity object from the sectionInfo
let exampleVariable = (sectionInfo.objects as! AnyObject).valueForKeyPath("yourEntity") as! YourEntityType

//access the needed attribute object from the sectionInfo
let anotherExampleVariable = (sectionInfo.objects as! AnyObject).valueForKeyPath("yourEntity.yourAttribute") as! YourAttributeType

