在 MVVM 中拖动 window

Dragging window in MVVM

我在 WPF 中有自定义 window。我想在不违反 MVVM 模式的情况下实现拖动。所以我在顶部有透明矩形,带有 OnMouseDown 事件,在代码隐藏中处理:

    private void UIElement_OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        if (e.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Left)


我想将此代码移至 ViewModel。通过命令调用它,像这样:

    <Rectangle x:Name="DragRectangle" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="30" Fill="Transparent">
            <MouseBinding Gesture="LeftClick" Command="{Binding DragCommand}"/>

但是,我需要在 ViewModel 中有 "this"(所以 Window)。我不确定这是否可行(如果可行,如果这是一个好的做法)。

我应该如何实现自定义拖动 window 才不会违反 MVVM 模式?


  • Dragging Elements in a Canvas: 在这篇文章中,Josh Smith 将向您解释如何创建您自己的自定义 DragCanvas 的基础知识。 Josh 将如何解释您是否会为继续阅读下一篇文章提供必要的知识。
  • Dragging Elements in a Canvas: 这篇文章,是Josh DragCanvas的改进模型。在这种情况下,Igkutikov,简化模型并提高此 class.
  • 的可用性

最后,如果你愿意,我会在这里保留我的 DragCanvas 的一些修改,它是从 Igkutikov 项目派生出来的。

/// <summary>
/// Defines the mode in which the DragCanvas will act
/// if set to NoDragging will act a simple Canvas
/// if set to AllowDragInView Dragging is enabled but no Draging out of Canvas view is allowed,
/// elements will not get out of DragCanvas borders
/// if set to AllowDragOutOfView dragging is enabled and elements may be dragged out of the
/// DragCanvas borders
/// </summary>
public enum DraggingModes
/// <summary>
/// Defines to the DragCanvas Relative to which edges of it the element may be repositioned
/// </summary>
internal enum ModificationDirection
    None                = 0,
    Left                = 1,
    Right               = 2,
    LeftRight           = 3,
    Top                 = 4,
    LeftTop             = 5,
    RightTop            = 6,
    LeftRightTop        = 7,
    Bottom              = 8,
    LeftBottom          = 9,
    RightBottom         = 10,
    LeftRightBottom     = 11,
    TopBottom           = 12,
    LeftTopBottom       = 13,
    RightTopBottom      = 14,
    LeftRightTopBottom  = 15

/// <summary>
/// A Canvas which manages dragging of the UIElements it contains.  
/// </summary>
public class DragCanvas : Canvas
#region Data

// Keeps track of where the mouse cursor was when a drag operation began.       
private Point m_InitialCursorLocation;

// The offsets from the DragCanvas' edges when the drag operation began.
private double m_OriginalLefOffset;
private double m_OriginalRightOffset;
private double m_OriginalTopOffset;
private double m_OriginalBottomOffset;

// Keeps track of which horizontal and vertical offset should be modified for the drag element.
private ModificationDirection m_ModificationDirection;

// True if a drag operation is underway, else false.
private bool m_IsDragInProgress;

#endregion // Data

#region Properties

/// <summary>
/// Gets/sets whether elements in the DragCanvas should be draggable by the user.
/// The default value is AllowDragInView.
/// </summary>
private DraggingModes m_DraggingMode;
public DraggingModes DraggingMode
    get { return m_DraggingMode; }
    set { m_DraggingMode = value; }

public static readonly DependencyProperty Draggable;

public static bool GetCanBeDragged(UIElement uiElement)
    if (uiElement == null)
        return false;

    return (bool)uiElement.GetValue(Draggable);

public static void SetCanBeDragged(UIElement uiElement, bool value)
    if (uiElement != null)
        uiElement.SetValue(Draggable, value);

// Stores a reference to the UIElement currently being dragged by the user.
private UIElement m_DraggedElement;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the UIElement currently being dragged, or null.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note to inheritors: This property exposes a protected 
/// setter which should be used to modify the drag element.
/// </remarks>
public UIElement DraggedElement
        if (m_DraggingMode == DraggingModes.NoDragging)
            return null;
            return this.m_DraggedElement;
    protected set
        if (this.m_DraggedElement != null)
        if (m_DraggingMode == DraggingModes.NoDragging)
            this.m_DraggedElement = null;
            if (DragCanvas.GetCanBeDragged(value))
                this.m_DraggedElement = value;
                this.m_DraggedElement = null;

#endregion Properties // Properties

#region Constructor

/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of DragCanvas.  UIElements in
/// the DragCanvas will immediately be draggable by the user.
/// </summary>
public DragCanvas()
    m_DraggingMode = DraggingModes.AllowDragInView;

static DragCanvas()
    Draggable = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("CanBeDragged", typeof(bool), typeof(DragCanvas), new UIPropertyMetadata(true));

#endregion // Constructor

#region Mouse Handlers Overrides

#region OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown

protected override void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    base.OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(e); // call the handler of the base first
    m_IsDragInProgress = false;
    m_InitialCursorLocation = e.GetPosition(this); // Cache the mouse cursor location

    //check if the mouse was clicked on the ScrollBar, in which case let the ScrollBar remain its control. 
    if (null != GetParentOfType<ScrollBar>(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject)) { return; }

    // Walk up the visual tree from the element that was clicked, 
    // looking for an element that is a direct child of the Canvas
    DraggedElement = FindCanvasChild(e.Source as DependencyObject);
    if (m_DraggedElement == null) { return; }

    m_ModificationDirection = ResolveOffset(Canvas.GetLeft(m_DraggedElement), Canvas.GetRight(m_DraggedElement), Canvas.GetTop(m_DraggedElement), Canvas.GetBottom(m_DraggedElement));

    // Set the Handled flag so that a control being dragged 
    // does not react to the mouse input
    e.Handled = true;

    if (m_ModificationDirection == ModificationDirection.None)
        DraggedElement = null;
    BringToFront(m_DraggedElement as UIElement);
    m_IsDragInProgress = true;

public static T GetParentOfType<T>(DependencyObject current) where T : DependencyObject
    DependencyObject parent = current;
        if (parent is Visual)
            parent = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(parent);
            parent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(parent);

        var result = parent as T;

        if (result != null)
            return result;
    } while (parent != null);

    return null;

#endregion // OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown

#region OnPreviewMouseMove

protected override void OnPreviewMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
    // If no element is being dragged, there is nothing to do.
    if (m_DraggedElement == null || !m_IsDragInProgress)
    // Get the position of the mouse cursor, relative to the Canvas.
    Point cursorLocation = e.GetPosition(this);

    // These values will store the new offsets of the drag element.
    double _HorizontalOffset = Double.NaN;
    double _VerticalOffset = Double.NaN; ;

    #region Calculate Offsets

    Size _DraggedElemenetSize = m_DraggedElement.RenderSize;

    if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Left) != 0)
        _HorizontalOffset = m_OriginalLefOffset + (cursorLocation.X - m_InitialCursorLocation.X);
        if (m_DraggingMode == DraggingModes.AllowDragInView)
            if (_HorizontalOffset < 0)
                _HorizontalOffset = 0;
            else if ((_HorizontalOffset + _DraggedElemenetSize.Width) > this.ActualWidth)
                _HorizontalOffset = this.ActualWidth - _DraggedElemenetSize.Width;
        m_OriginalLefOffset = _HorizontalOffset;
        m_OriginalRightOffset = this.ActualWidth + _DraggedElemenetSize.Width - m_OriginalLefOffset;
    else if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Right) != 0)
        _HorizontalOffset = m_OriginalRightOffset - (cursorLocation.X - m_InitialCursorLocation.X);
        if (m_DraggingMode == DraggingModes.AllowDragInView)
            if (_HorizontalOffset < 0)
                _HorizontalOffset = 0;
            else if ((_HorizontalOffset + _DraggedElemenetSize.Width) > this.ActualWidth)
                _HorizontalOffset = this.ActualWidth - _DraggedElemenetSize.Width;
        m_OriginalRightOffset = _HorizontalOffset;
        m_OriginalLefOffset = this.ActualWidth + _DraggedElemenetSize.Width - m_OriginalRightOffset;

    if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Top) != 0)
        _VerticalOffset = m_OriginalTopOffset + (cursorLocation.Y - m_InitialCursorLocation.Y);
        if (m_DraggingMode == DraggingModes.AllowDragInView)
            if (_VerticalOffset < 0)
                _VerticalOffset = 0;
            else if ((_VerticalOffset + _DraggedElemenetSize.Height) > this.ActualHeight)
                _VerticalOffset = this.ActualHeight - _DraggedElemenetSize.Height;
        m_OriginalTopOffset = _VerticalOffset;
        m_OriginalBottomOffset = this.ActualHeight + _DraggedElemenetSize.Height - m_OriginalTopOffset;
    else if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Bottom) != 0)
        _VerticalOffset = m_OriginalBottomOffset - (cursorLocation.Y - m_InitialCursorLocation.Y);
        if (m_DraggingMode == DraggingModes.AllowDragInView)
            if (_VerticalOffset < 0)
                _VerticalOffset = 0;
            else if ((_VerticalOffset + _DraggedElemenetSize.Height) > this.ActualHeight)
                _VerticalOffset = this.ActualHeight - _DraggedElemenetSize.Height;
        m_OriginalBottomOffset = _VerticalOffset;
        m_OriginalTopOffset = this.ActualHeight + _DraggedElemenetSize.Height - m_OriginalBottomOffset;

    m_InitialCursorLocation = cursorLocation;

    #endregion // Calculate Offsets

    #region Move Drag Element

    if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Left) != 0)
        Canvas.SetLeft(m_DraggedElement, _HorizontalOffset);
    else if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Right) != 0)
        Canvas.SetRight(m_DraggedElement, _HorizontalOffset);
    if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Top) != 0)
        Canvas.SetTop(m_DraggedElement, _VerticalOffset);
    else if ((m_ModificationDirection & ModificationDirection.Bottom) != 0)
        Canvas.SetBottom(m_DraggedElement, _VerticalOffset);

    #endregion // Move Drag Element

#endregion // OnPreviewMouseMove

#region OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp

protected override void OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

    // Reset the field whether the left or right mouse button was 
    // released, in case a context menu was opened on the drag element.
    m_IsDragInProgress = false;
    DraggedElement = null;

#endregion // OnPreviewMouseLeftButtonUp

#region OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown

protected override void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)


#endregion // OnPreviewMouseRightButtonDown

#region OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp

protected override void OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

#endregion // OnPreviewMouseRightButtonUp

#endregion Mouse Handlers Overrides

#region Public Methods

/// <summary>
/// Assigns the element a z-index which will ensure that 
/// it is in front of every other element in the Canvas.
/// The z-index of every element whose z-index is between 
/// the element's old and new z-index will have its z-index 
/// decremented by one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">
/// The element to be sent to the front of the z-order.
/// </param>
public void BringToFront(UIElement element)
    UpdateZOrder(element, true);

/// <summary>
/// Assigns the element a z-index which will ensure that 
/// it is behind every other element in the Canvas.
/// The z-index of every element whose z-index is between 
/// the element's old and new z-index will have its z-index 
/// incremented by one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">
/// The element to be sent to the back of the z-order.
/// </param>
public void SendToBack(UIElement element)
    UpdateZOrder(element, false);

#endregion // Public Methods

#region Private Helper Methods

    #region UpdateZOrder

/// <summary>
/// Helper method used by the BringToFront and SendToBack methods.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">
/// The element to bring to the front or send to the back.
/// </param>
/// <param name="bringToFront">
/// Pass true if calling from BringToFront, else false.
/// </param>
private void UpdateZOrder(UIElement element, bool bringToFront)
        #region Safety Check

    if (element == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("element");

    if (!base.Children.Contains(element))
        throw new ArgumentException("Must be a child element of the Canvas.", "element");

        #endregion // Safety Check

        #region Calculate Z-Indexes And Offset

    // Determine the Z-Index for the target UIElement.
    int elementNewZIndex = -1;
    if (bringToFront)
        foreach (UIElement elem in base.Children)
            if (elem.Visibility != Visibility.Collapsed)
        elementNewZIndex = 0;

    // Determine if the other UIElements' Z-Index 
    // should be raised or lowered by one. 
    int offset = (elementNewZIndex == 0) ? +1 : -1;

    int elementCurrentZIndex = Canvas.GetZIndex(element);

        #endregion // Calculate Z-Indici And Offset

        #region Update Z-Indexes

    // Update the Z-Index of every UIElement in the Canvas.
    foreach (UIElement childElement in base.Children)
        if (childElement == element)
            Canvas.SetZIndex(element, elementNewZIndex);
            int zIndex = Canvas.GetZIndex(childElement);

            // Only modify the z-index of an element if it is  
            // in between the target element's old and new z-index.
            if (bringToFront && elementCurrentZIndex < zIndex || !bringToFront && zIndex < elementCurrentZIndex)
                Canvas.SetZIndex(childElement, zIndex + offset);
        #endregion // Update Z-Indexes

    #endregion // UpdateZOrder

    #region ResolveOffset

/// <summary>
/// Determines one component of a UIElement's location 
/// within a Canvas (horizontal or vertical offset)
/// and according to it reletive to which sides it may be relocated
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Left">
/// The value of an offset relative to a Left side of the Canvas
/// </param>
/// <param name="Right">
/// The value of the offset relative to the Right side of the Canvas
/// </param>
/// <param name="Top">
/// The value of an offset relative to a Top side of the Canvas
/// </param>
/// <param name="Bottom">
/// The value of the offset relative to the Bottom side of the Canvas
/// </param>
private ModificationDirection ResolveOffset(double Left, double Right, double Top, double Bottom)
    // If the Canvas.Left and Canvas.Right attached properties 
    // are specified for an element, the 'Left' value is honored.
    // The 'Top' value is honored if both Canvas.Top and 
    // Canvas.Bottom are set on the same element.  If one 
    // of those attached properties is not set on an element, 
    // the default value is Double.NaN.
    m_OriginalLefOffset = Left;
    m_OriginalRightOffset = Right;
    m_OriginalTopOffset = Top;
    m_OriginalBottomOffset = Bottom;
    ModificationDirection result = ModificationDirection.None;
    if (!Double.IsNaN(m_OriginalLefOffset))
        result |= ModificationDirection.Left;
    if (!Double.IsNaN(m_OriginalRightOffset))
        result |= ModificationDirection.Right;
    if (!Double.IsNaN(m_OriginalTopOffset))
        result |= ModificationDirection.Top;
    if (!Double.IsNaN(m_OriginalBottomOffset))
        result |= ModificationDirection.Bottom;
    return result;

    #endregion // ResolveOffset

    #region FindCanvasChild

/// <summary>
/// Walks up the visual tree starting with the specified DependencyObject, 
/// looking for a UIElement which is a child of the Canvas.  If a suitable 
/// element is not found, null is returned.  If the 'depObj' object is a 
/// UIElement in the Canvas's Children collection, it will be returned.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="depObj">
/// A DependencyObject from which the search begins.
/// </param>
private UIElement FindCanvasChild(DependencyObject depObj)
    while (depObj != null)
        // If the current object is a UIElement which is a child of the
        // Canvas, exit the loop and return it.
        UIElement elem = depObj as UIElement;
        if (elem != null && base.Children.Contains(elem))

        // VisualTreeHelper works with objects of type Visual or Visual3D.
        // If the current object is not derived from Visual or Visual3D,
        // then use the LogicalTreeHelper to find the parent element.
        if (depObj is Visual || depObj is Visual3D)
            depObj = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(depObj);
            depObj = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(depObj);
    return depObj as UIElement;

    #endregion // FindCanvasChild
