year = [0]*365 在此 Python 代码中是什么意思?

What does year = [0]*365 mean in this Python code?

我试着写了一个'The Birthday Paradox'的函数。 我在互联网上找到了一些示例,并成功地将所有内容结合在一起并进行了一些修改,但在我的程序中仍然有一些我不理解的地方。


# The Birthday Paradox

print "If there are 23 students in your class, what are the chances that another student and you will have birthday in the same day?"
print ""
print "Use the function has_duplicates(numExamples) to check it out!"
print "Please write in (numExamples) the number of examples of different lists of birthdays of 23-students-classes you want to check."

def has_duplicates(numExamples):

import random
probability = float()

for example in range(numExamples):
   year = [0]*365
   print year
   foundprobability = False
   for i in range(23):
       birthday = random.randrange(365)
       year[birthday] = year[birthday] + 1
       if year[birthday]>1:
          foundprobability = True

   if foundprobability == True:
       probability = probability + 1

countprobabilty = float(probability/numExamples)
print "The probability of a shared birthday in", numExamples,
print "examples of different lists of birthdays of 23-students-classes is", countprobabilty


year = [0]*365

为什么我要这样的列表 [0,0,0,0...] ?

谢谢! 内塔, 生物系学生

year = [0]*365 创建一个包含 365 个值为 0 的元素的列表:[0,0,0,0...]

birthday = random.randrange(365) 创建一个从 0 到 365 的列表并选择一个随机元素。


   year[birthday] = year[birthday] + 1


    year = [0] * 365
