
How to prevent time overlap for the same date?

我正在做一个项目,我必须防止同一日期的时间重叠。用户必须选择 Pick Date、Drop Date、Pick Time 和 Drop Time。我的逻辑工作正常并防止时间重叠,但我试图弄清楚如何让用户选择相同的日期然后比较时间。这是我的 HTML 代码:

    <label>Pick up Date</label>
    <input name="DateFrom" id="DateFrom" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" value="">
    <label>Pick up Time</label>
    <input name="TimeFrom" id="TimeFrom" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" value="">

   <label>Drop off Date</label>
   <input name="DateTo" id="DateTo" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" value="">
   <label>Drop off Time</label>
   <input name="TimeTo" id="TimeTo" type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" value="">


<cfargument name="DateFrom" type="string" required="yes">
<cfargument name="DateTo" type="string" required="yes">
<cfargument name="TimeFrom" type="string" required="yes">
<cfargument name="TimeTo" type="string" required="yes">

<cfquery name="qryTest">
   Select PickDate,DropDate,PickTime,DropTime
   From ptReservation
   Order by PickDate

<cfif (arguments.TimeTo LT qryTest.PickTime OR qryTest.DropTime LT arguments.TimeFrom)>
    <cfquery name="addReservation" datasource="testData">
       //Do insert


坦率地说,将日期和时间存储在单独的列中使这项任务比 IMO 需要的更难。在预订系统中,两者是紧密相关的。将它们分开只会使执行常见任务变得更加困难,例如检查冲突或重叠(由您最近的线程支持)。除非有充分的理由必须将它们分开,否则我建议重组 table 并将预订日期和时间存储在单列中。


添加新记录时,使用 EXISTS 子句仅在未发现冲突保留时插入记录:

   <!--- example of reservation date/time to check --->
   <cfset requestedStartDateTime = createDateTime(2016, 1, 14, 14, 0, 0)>
   <cfset requestedEndDateTime = createDateTime(2016, 1, 15, 16, 0, 0)>

   <cfquery result="yourResult" ....>
    INSERT INTO Reservation ( startDateTime, endDateTime, .... )
    SELECT <cfqueryparam value="#requestedStartDateTime#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp">
            , <cfqueryparam value="#requestedEndDateTime#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp">
            , ....
            <!--- existing reservation that would overlap --->
            SELECT  reservationID
            FROM    reservation
            WHERE   startDateTime < <cfqueryparam value="#requestedEndDateTime#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp">
            AND     endDateTime > <cfqueryparam value="#requestedStartDateTime#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp">

您可以通过检查 cfquery 的 result 属性来确定结果。如果 result.recordcount > 0,则插入新的预留。否则,您知道发现了冲突并可以采取相应的措施。使用 CF9/11 和 MySQL5.6 进行测试。

   <cfif yourResult.recordCount gt 0>
       SUCCESS: New reservation added 
       ERROR: Conflict detected. INSERT failed.

更新: 如果您的 table 包含某种自动递增列,另一个选项是使用返回的新 ID 值 as part of the "result" structure。如果存在,则插入成功。否则,它失败了。请注意,在像 CF9 这样的旧版本中,ID 密钥名称是特定于数据库的,即 MySQL - "generated_key"。从 CF10+ 开始,您可以使用通用键名 generatedKey

   <!--- ID was generated --->
   <cfif structKeyExists(yourResult, "generated_key")>
       SUCCESS: New reservation added 
       ERROR: Conflict detected. INSERT failed.

如果您绝对无法更改 table 结构,另一种可能性是创建 VIEW or COMPUTED COLUMN (if your database supports it) containing the combined date and time in a single column. That would at least simplify querying the two values, and allow you to use the technique above to solve your issue. However, while it would simplify the SQL they are not always SARGable。因此,对于大型数据集,它们的性能可能不如单个索引列。