Tornado - JSON 作为响应发送的输出将被包装在字典中

Tornado - JSON Output sent as Response to be wrapped in dictionary



Writes the given chunk to the output buffer.

To write the output to the network, use the flush() method below.

If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON and set the Content-Type of the response to be application/json. (if you want to send JSON as a different Content-Type, call set_header after calling write()).

Note that lists are not converted to JSON because of a potential cross-site security vulnerability. All JSON output should be wrapped in a dictionary. More details at and


  1. 这是什么意思?

If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON.

  1. 这是什么意思?

Note that lists are not converted to JSON because of a potential cross-site security vulnerability.

  1. 这是什么意思?在这里,JSON 输出是什么意思?为什么要用字典包装它?

All JSON output should be wrapped in a dictionary.

  1. 这有两个子部分:

    一个。从 Tornadoclient 发送 JSON responses 的最佳方式是什么?

    b。发送回复的更好方法是什么?如果不是JSON,那是什么?如果它 JSON,那么只需提及子部分 (a) 的答案。


  1. What does it mean by this?

    If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON.

这意味着,如果你将 dict 传递给 write,我们将被 automatically json 编码。方法write可以处理dictbyteunicode_type(简化为str)。

  1. What does it mean by this?

    Note that lists are not converted to JSON because of a potential cross-site security vulnerability.

假设您提供了一些服务并且有请求 /example/my_service/user_data.json 和 JSON 响应。


["John Smith", "email@mail"]

然后攻击者可以重新定义 Array 的构造函数,然后添加带有 /example/my_service/user_data.json 的脚本标记,该标记会立即被评估 - 数组是使用攻击者的构造函数创建的。这是因为独立数组是有效的javascript代码。

因为除了空对象之外的独立对象都不是有效的 JS,所以如果你 return

{"name": "John Smith", "email":"email@mail"}

攻击者最终得到 SyntaxError: missing ; before statement 或类似的东西。


  1. What does it mean by this? And here, what does it mean by JSON output? And why to wrap it in a dictionary?

    All JSON output should be wrapped in a dictionary.

正如您在上面所读到的,很明显,JSON 中的 top-level 元素不应该是 array。此外,如果你传递 list,Tornado 会引发错误。当然你可以绕过这个安全,简单地传递字符串(json 在 wirte 之前转储),但这并不明智:

self.write('["this", "is", "wrong"]')
  1. a. What is the best way to send JSON responses from Tornado to client?

    b. What is a better way to send responses? If not JSON, then what is? And if it JSON, then just mention the answer to subpart (a).

如果可能,我会使用 json 或 xml 作为回应。但是我没有为此使用 Tornado 的机制,我将已经编码的对象 - 字符串传递给 write。原因是,这是覆盖 Tornado 编码器并使用例如的最干净的方法。 ujson.


值得注意的是 modern browsers should not vulnerable