When compiling a Yguard Ant target in IntelliJ, there is an Error: The <yguard> type doesn't support nested text data ("")

When compiling a Yguard Ant target in IntelliJ, there is an Error: The <yguard> type doesn't support nested text data ("")

在 IntelliJ 中编译 Yguard Ant 目标时,出现错误:"The <yguard> type doesn't support nested text data ("")"。非常感谢任何有关修复此错误原因的帮助。

这是 YGuard Ant 目标:

<target  name="yguard">
        <taskdef name="yguard" classname="com.yworks.yguard.YGuardTask" classpath="yguard.jar"/>
            <inoutpair in="/Users/user/IdeaProjects/java.jar" out="/Users/user/IdeaProjects/java_obf.jar"/>

解决方案似乎是更改编码,删除未被 IDE 处理的来自复制和粘贴的不可见字符。我将代码粘贴到 komodo 编辑器中,将编码更改为 ISO-8859-1,然后将其粘贴回 build.xml,错误消失了。


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