LilyPond 中附加诗句的歌词?
Lyrics for additional verses in LilyPond?
(N.B。这个确切的问题已 asked before,在 2001 年,但第一个答案 ("read this book") 引用了一个死的 URL,而第二个 (使用 \context Lyrics
) 对我不起作用,我收到 LilyPond 语法错误。)
title = "Hello World"
\score {
\relative {
\time 2/4
\clef treble
\key a \major
cis''2 | a4 fis \bar "|."
\addlyrics {
He -- | llo world
\layout { }
\midi { }
\version "2.18.2"
(抱歉 syntax highlighting,SO 使用的 Google Code Prettyfier 尚不支持 <!-- language: lang-lilypond -->
我想在下面添加第 2、3 和 4 节,与音乐分开,就像文字一样。
我从Knute Snortum on the LiliyPond mailing list here
在我的 score
块之后,我可以像这样添加一个 markup
\markup {
\column {
\line { \null }
\line { 2. Here I go }
事实证明,这在 LilyPond 文档 (printing stanzas at the end) 中有所介绍,但他们使用术语 'stanza',因此我搜索 'verse' 并没有引导我到那里。
(还值得注意的是 this discussion on meta. Posting LilyPond questions here is likely to lead to down-votes since it is not considered programming by many of the SO community. A better Stack Exchange site to post LilyPond questions to is the Music: Practice and Theory Stack Exchange, though, as I found, the LilyPond mailing list 是目前最有可能引出完整和及时答案的地方。)
LilyPond有没有办法简单列出对应的歌词 音乐结束后的额外诗句,每节一段?
(N.B。这个确切的问题已 asked before,在 2001 年,但第一个答案 ("read this book") 引用了一个死的 URL,而第二个 (使用 \context Lyrics
) 对我不起作用,我收到 LilyPond 语法错误。)
title = "Hello World"
\score {
\relative {
\time 2/4
\clef treble
\key a \major
cis''2 | a4 fis \bar "|."
\addlyrics {
He -- | llo world
\layout { }
\midi { }
\version "2.18.2"
(抱歉 syntax highlighting,SO 使用的 Google Code Prettyfier 尚不支持 <!-- language: lang-lilypond -->
我想在下面添加第 2、3 和 4 节,与音乐分开,就像文字一样。
我从Knute Snortum on the LiliyPond mailing list here
那里得到了答案在我的 score
块之后,我可以像这样添加一个 markup
\markup {
\column {
\line { \null }
\line { 2. Here I go }
事实证明,这在 LilyPond 文档 (printing stanzas at the end) 中有所介绍,但他们使用术语 'stanza',因此我搜索 'verse' 并没有引导我到那里。
(还值得注意的是 this discussion on meta. Posting LilyPond questions here is likely to lead to down-votes since it is not considered programming by many of the SO community. A better Stack Exchange site to post LilyPond questions to is the Music: Practice and Theory Stack Exchange, though, as I found, the LilyPond mailing list 是目前最有可能引出完整和及时答案的地方。)