Swift 超类和子类的协议扩展方法分派

Swift protocol extension method dispatch with superclass and subclass





当我添加 SomeSuperclass 而不是直接采用协议时,输出不是我所期望的。

protocol TheProtocol {
    func method1()

extension TheProtocol {
    func method1() {
        print("Called method1 from protocol extension")
    func method2NotInProtocol() {
        print("Called method2NotInProtocol from protocol extension")

// This is the difference - adding a superclass
class SomeSuperclass: TheProtocol {

// It works as expected when it simply adopts TheProtocol, but not when it inherits from a class that adopts the protocol
class MyClass: SomeSuperclass {
    func method1() {
        print("Called method1 from MyClass implementation")
    func method2NotInProtocol() {
        print("Called method2NotInProtocol from MyClass implementation")

let foo: TheProtocol = MyClass()
foo.method1()  // expect "Called method1 from MyClass implementation", got "Called method1 from protocol extension"
foo.method2NotInProtocol()  // Called method2NotInProtocol from protocol extension

您知道这是错误还是设计使然?一位同事建议,混合继承和协议扩展可能无法按预期工作。我打算使用协议扩展来提供默认实现...如果我做不到,那么我将遗憾地标记它 @objc 并返回到可选协议。


import UIKit

protocol TheProtocol {
    func method1()
    func method2NotInProtocol()

extension NSObject {

    func method1() {
        print("Called method1 from protocol extension")
    func method2NotInProtocol() {
        print("Called method2NotInProtocol from protocol extension")

// This is the difference - adding a superclass
class SomeSuperclass :NSObject, TheProtocol {

    override func method1() {
        print("Called method1 from SomeSuperclass implementation")


// It works as expected when it simply adopts TheProtocol, but not when it inherits from a class that adopts the protocol
class MyClass : SomeSuperclass {

    override func method1() {
        print("Called method1 from MyClass implementation")

    override func method2NotInProtocol() {
        print("Called method2NotInProtocol from MyClass implementation")

    let foo: TheProtocol = MyClass()
    foo.method1()  // expect "Called method1 from MyClass implementation", got "Called method1 from protocol extension"
    foo.method2NotInProtocol()  // Called method2NotInProtocol from protocol extension

与其将扩展写入 TheProtocol,不如将扩展写入抽象 class(上面代码中的 NSObject)。这按预期工作。

来自 post The Ghost of Swift Bugs Future,这里是 post.

  1. 如果变量的推断类型是协议:
  2. AND 方法是在原始协议中定义的 然后 调用运行时类型的实现,无论是否 扩展中有一个默认实现。
  3. 并且该方法未在原始协议中定义,然后 调用默认实现。
  4. ELSE IF 变量的推断类型是该类型 THEN 调用该类型的实现。

所以在你的情况下,你是说 method1() 是在协议中定义的,并且已经在 subclass 中实现了。但是你的 superclass 正在采用协议但它没有实现 method1() 和 subclass 只是继承自 Superclass 而不是直接采用协议。这就是为什么我相信这就是你调用 foo.method1() 的原因,它不会调用第 1 点和第 2 点所述的 subclass 实现。


class SomeSuperclass: TheProtocol {
func method1(){
 print("super class implementation of method1()")}

class MyClass : SomeSuperclass {

override func method1() {
    print("Called method1 from MyClass implementation")

override func method2NotInProtocol() {
    print("Called method2NotInProtocol from MyClass implementation")


 let foo: TheProtocol = MyClass()
foo.method1()  // Called method1 from MyClass implementation

所以这个错误(这似乎是一个错误)的解决方法是,你需要在 superclass 中实现协议方法,然后你需要重写协议方法子class。 HTH
