带有标准别名的 Grails GORM

Grails GORM withCriteria Alias

我已经使用 grails 设置了一个 gorm 条件查询。包括一些 sqlProjections。现在我需要按此 sqlProjections 进行排序。

    def serviceList = Service.withCriteria {

        projections {
            property('id', 'id')
            property('lastServiceMileage', 'lastServiceMileage')
            property('nextServiceMileage', 'nextServiceMileage')
            sqlProjection('(SELECT MAX(e.mileage) FROM tbl_maxmileage AS e WHERE e.v_id = {alias}.v_id) AS mileage', ['mileage'], [INTEGER])
            sqlProjection('(ABS((SELECT mileage) - {alias}.last_service_mileage) / ({alias}.next_service_mileage - {alias}.last_service_mileage)) * 100  AS nextServiceInPercent', ['nextServiceInPercent'], [INTEGER])
            sqlProjection('{alias}.next_service_mileage - (SELECT mileage) AS nextServiceIn', ['nextServiceIn'], [INTEGER])

        if (params.sort && params.order) {
            order(params.sort, params.order)




Hibernate 失败并打印出例如。如果 params.sort = nextServiceIn

则找不到 'nextServiceIn'


现在我需要知道如何使用 'withCriteria'



    hibernateSession.createCriteria(Service.class, "s");

我查看了休眠生成的原始查询。我注意到那里打印了 'nextServiceIn',没有任何别名作为前缀。

例如'order by nextServiceIn asc' ...

现在的解决方案是扩展 org.hibernate.criterion.Order 并实现无需任何查找的基本排序。

import org.hibernate.criterion.Order
import org.hibernate.criterion.CriteriaQuery
import org.hibernate.Criteria
import org.hibernate.HibernateException

 * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
 * User: pheinrich
 * Date: 18.01.16
 * Time: 16:33
 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class OrderBySql extends Order {

    private String sqlOrderString;

     * Constructor for Order.
     * @param sqlOrderString an SQL order that will be appended to the resulting SQL query
    protected OrderBySql(String sqlOrderString) {
        super(sqlOrderString, true);
        this.sqlOrderString = sqlOrderString;

    public String toString() {
        return sqlOrderString;

    public String toSqlString(Criteria criteria, CriteriaQuery criteriaQuery) throws HibernateException {
        return sqlOrderString;

     * Custom order
     * @param sqlProperty an SQL property that will be appended to the resulting SQL query
     * @param sqlOrder an SQL order that will be appended to the resulting SQL query
     * @return Order
    public static Order sqlOrder(String sqlProperty, String sqlOrder) {
        return new OrderBySql(sqlProperty + " " + sqlOrder);


并在您的 GORM 标准中使用它

def serviceList = Service.withCriteria {

    projections {
        property('id', 'id')
        property('lastServiceMileage', 'lastServiceMileage')
        property('nextServiceMileage', 'nextServiceMileage')
        sqlProjection('(SELECT MAX(e.mileage) FROM tbl_maxmileage AS e WHERE e.v_id = {alias}.v_id) AS mileage', ['mileage'], [INTEGER])
        sqlProjection('(ABS((SELECT mileage) - {alias}.last_service_mileage) / ({alias}.next_service_mileage - {alias}.last_service_mileage)) * 100  AS nextServiceInPercent', ['nextServiceInPercent'], [INTEGER])
        sqlProjection('{alias}.next_service_mileage - (SELECT mileage) AS nextServiceIn', ['nextServiceIn'], [INTEGER])

    if (params.sort && params.order) {

        // special handling for sqlProjection alias
        if (params.sort == "nextServiceIn") {
            order(OrderBySql.sqlOrder(params.sort, params.order))
        } else {
            order(params.sort, params.order)



