设置 csr_matrix 行

Set row of csr_matrix

我有一个稀疏 csr_matrix,我想将单行的值更改为不同的值。但是,我找不到简单有效的实现方式。这是它必须做的:

A = csr_matrix([[0, 1, 0],
                [1, 0, 1],
                [0, 1, 0]])
new_row = np.array([-1, -1, -1])
print(set_row_csr(A, 2, new_row).todense())

>>> [[ 0,  1, 0],
     [ 1,  0, 1],
     [-1, -1, -1]]

这是我目前对 set_row_csr 的实现:

def set_row_csr(A, row_idx, new_row):
    A[row_idx, :] = new_row
    return A



def set_row_csr(A, row_idx, new_row):
    Replace a row in a CSR sparse matrix A.

    A: csr_matrix
        Matrix to change
    row_idx: int
        index of the row to be changed
    new_row: np.array
        list of new values for the row of A

    None (the matrix A is changed in place)

    The row index shall be smaller than the number of rows in A
    The number of elements in new row must be equal to the number of columns in matrix A
    assert sparse.isspmatrix_csr(A), 'A shall be a csr_matrix'
    assert row_idx < A.shape[0], \
            'The row index ({0}) shall be smaller than the number of rows in A ({1})' \
            .format(row_idx, A.shape[0])
        N_elements_new_row = len(new_row)
    except TypeError:
        msg = 'Argument new_row shall be a list or numpy array, is now a {0}'\
        raise AssertionError(msg)
    N_cols = A.shape[1]
    assert N_cols == N_elements_new_row, \
            'The number of elements in new row ({0}) must be equal to ' \
            'the number of columns in matrix A ({1})' \
            .format(N_elements_new_row, N_cols)

    idx_start_row = A.indptr[row_idx]
    idx_end_row = A.indptr[row_idx + 1]
    additional_nnz = N_cols - (idx_end_row - idx_start_row)

    A.data = np.r_[A.data[:idx_start_row], new_row, A.data[idx_end_row:]]
    A.indices = np.r_[A.indices[:idx_start_row], np.arange(N_cols), A.indices[idx_end_row:]]
    A.indptr = np.r_[A.indptr[:row_idx + 1], A.indptr[(row_idx + 1):] + additional_nnz]

physicalattraction 的回答确实快得多。它比我的解决方案快得多,我的解决方案只是添加一个单独的矩阵与该单行集。虽然添加解决方案比切片解决方案更快。

对我来说,在 csr_matrix 中设置行或在 csc_matrix 中设置列​​的最快方法是自己修改基础数据。

def time_copy(A, num_tries = 10000):
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(num_tries):
        B = A.copy()
    end = time.time()
    return end - start

def test_method(func, A, row_idx, new_row, num_tries = 10000):
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(num_tries):
        func(A.copy(), row_idx, new_row)
    end = time.time()
    copy_time = time_copy(A, num_tries)
    print("Duration {}".format((end - start) - copy_time))

def set_row_csr_slice(A, row_idx, new_row):
    A[row_idx,:] = new_row

def set_row_csr_addition(A, row_idx, new_row):
    indptr = np.zeros(A.shape[1] + 1)
    indptr[row_idx +1:] = A.shape[1]
    indices = np.arange(A.shape[1])
    A += csr_matrix((new_row, indices, indptr), shape=A.shape)

>>> A = csr_matrix((np.ones(1000), (np.random.randint(0,1000,1000), np.random.randint(0, 1000, 1000))))
>>> test_method(set_row_csr_slice, A, 200, np.ones(A.shape[1]), num_tries = 10000)
Duration 4.938395977020264

>>> test_method(set_row_csr_addition, A, 200, np.ones(A.shape[1]), num_tries = 10000)
Duration 2.4161765575408936

>>> test_method(set_row_csr, A, 200, np.ones(A.shape[1]), num_tries = 10000)
Duration 0.8432261943817139


# Larger matrix, same fraction sparsity
>>> A = csr_matrix((np.ones(10000), (np.random.randint(0,10000,10000), np.random.randint(0, 10000, 10000))))
>>> test_method(set_row_csr_slice, A, 200, np.ones(A.shape[1]), num_tries = 10000)
Duration 18.335174798965454

>>> test_method(set_row_csr, A, 200, np.ones(A.shape[1]), num_tries = 10000)
Duration 1.1089558601379395

# Super sparse matrix
>>> A = csr_matrix((np.ones(100), (np.random.randint(0,10000,100), np.random.randint(0, 10000, 100))))
>>> test_method(set_row_csr_slice, A, 200, np.ones(A.shape[1]), num_tries = 10000)
Duration 13.371600151062012

>>> test_method(set_row_csr, A, 200, np.ones(A.shape[1]), num_tries = 10000)
Duration 1.0454308986663818

这个 set_row_csr 有问题。是的,它很快而且似乎适用于某些测试用例。但是,在我的测试用例中,它似乎混淆了 csr 稀疏矩阵的内部 csr 结构。之后尝试 lil_matrix(A),您会看到错误消息。

在 physicalattraction 的回答中,len(new_row) 必须等于 A.shape[1] 添加稀疏行时可能没有意义。

因此,根据他的回答,我想出了一种方法来在 csr 中设置行,同时保持稀疏性 属性。此外,我添加了一种将密集数组转换为稀疏数组的方法(在数据、索引格式上)

def to_sparse(dense_arr):
    sparse = [(data, index) for index, data in enumerate(dense_arr) if data != 0]

    # Convert list of tuples to lists
    sparse = list(map(list, zip(*sparse)))

    # Return data and indices
    return sparse[0], sparse[1]

def set_row_csr_unbounded(A, row_idx, new_row_data, new_row_indices):
    Replace a row in a CSR sparse matrix A.

    A: csr_matrix
        Matrix to change
    row_idx: int
        index of the row to be changed
    new_row_data: np.array
        list of new values for the row of A
    new_row_indices: np.array
        list of indices for new row

    None (the matrix A is changed in place)

    The row index shall be smaller than the number of rows in A
    Row data and row indices must have the same size
    assert isspmatrix_csr(A), 'A shall be a csr_matrix'
    assert row_idx < A.shape[0], \
            'The row index ({0}) shall be smaller than the number of rows in A ({1})' \
            .format(row_idx, A.shape[0])

        N_elements_new_row = len(new_row_data)
    except TypeError:
        msg = 'Argument new_row_data shall be a list or numpy array, is now a {0}'\
        raise AssertionError(msg)

        assert N_elements_new_row == len(new_row_indices), \
                'new_row_data and new_row_indices must have the same size'
    except TypeError:
        msg = 'Argument new_row_indices shall be a list or numpy array, is now a {0}'\
        raise AssertionError(msg)

    idx_start_row = A.indptr[row_idx]
    idx_end_row = A.indptr[row_idx + 1]

    A.data = np.r_[A.data[:idx_start_row], new_row_data, A.data[idx_end_row:]]
    A.indices = np.r_[A.indices[:idx_start_row], new_row_indices, A.indices[idx_end_row:]]
    A.indptr = np.r_[A.indptr[:row_idx + 1], A.indptr[(row_idx + 1):] + N_elements_new_row]


A = A.tolil()
A[index, :] = new_row
A = A.tocsr()

只需转换为 lil_matrix,更改行并转换回来。