你能抑制 taco build 中的反馈输入吗?

Can you suppress the feedback input in taco build?

我用 taco tools 编写了一个批处理脚本来构建我的 apache cordova 项目。

taco build android --release

我正在尝试 运行 从 VS Team Services(以前称为 Visual Studio Online)构建它。在询问我是否要 provide feedback.


C:\a\s>taco build android --release --gradleArg=--no-daemon

Help us improve the quality of Microsoft products and services If you choose to participate, Microsoft will collect usage information on your use of the software and services to identify trends and usage patterns. Microsoft will not collect personal information. You may change your participation option at any time by running "taco feedback". You can read our privacy policy that provides information on what data we collect and how we will use it at https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/dn948229 Your response to this question is automatically collected.

Are you willing to participate? [y/n]


反馈选项通常在第一次朗姆酒taco时提示(Taco需要在第一个运行中创建"taco_home")。在第一个 运行.


一个解决方法是:Deploy your own build agent,运行 taco once on agent and set the feedback option, it will not prompt any more in future build.

有一种命令行方式可以使用最新的 taco-cli 包来处理这种情况。请 运行 以下命令,向我们的遥测发送 yes。如果您不想发送遥测数据,也可以传入 'no'。该命令采用 std-console 并将其作为用户输入传递给反馈命令,无需用户干预。

echo yes | taco feedback

然后您可以运行 taco 命令。

如果您有任何其他问题,请告诉我们,感谢您使用 TACO-CLI。
