NIO Selector OP_READ and OP_WRITE, 处理它们的一些问题

NIO Selector OP_READ and OP_WRITE, some questions about handling them

我一直在关注 this tutorial,它很有帮助,而且大多数事情都说得通。

如果您查看第 34 页,您会看到这段代码:

} else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ)
== SelectionKey.OP_READ) {
// Read the data
SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel);
// ...

这里到底发生了什么,单个&符号表示两个条件都被检查,因此,在这种情况下 key.readyOps() 将 return 一个数字,其位代表可用于处理的操作. SelectionKey.OP_READ 是另一个整数。所以我了解这两者之间的关系。
所以我脑海中的第一个测试 (key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) 这将是 return truefalse。 true 如果 key.readyOps() == SelectionKey.OP_READ 正确吗?或者如果 key.readyOps() 包含为 OP_READ 设置的正确位。该特定 if 语句的开头包含相同的测试,但使用 OP_ACCEPT 而不是 OP_READ。您可以在第 33 页看到这一点。

那么序列中的下一个测试 == SelectionKey.OP_READ 这里发生了什么?

if(true == SelectionKey.OP_READ)

if(false == SelectionKey.OP_READ)

但这不对吧?因为 OP_READ 是一个整数?或者 int 对除 0 以外的任何值都成立吗?我也不认为那是对的,因为第二部分是多余的。

以上工作正常,我只是不清楚 if 测试的实际情况。

所以接下来,我想知道一旦上面的计算结果为 true 时如何处理读取。

首先,我调用 SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel); 获取频道句柄。

然后我准备好缓冲区并使用 int bytesRead =;



if(read == -1){

  // The connection has been terminated, handle that. 

}else if(read == 0){

// Check data is complete, if so switch to OP_WRITE 


 // Read bytes into the buffer



javadoc 对 OP_READ 的描述如下:

Operation-set bit for read operations. Suppose that a selection key's interest set contains OP_READ at the start of a selection operation. If the selector detects that the corresponding channel is ready for reading, has reached end-of-stream, has been remotely shut down for further reading, or has an error pending, then it will add OP_READ to the key's ready-operation set and add the key to its selected-key set.

the single ampersand means both conditions are checked


so, in this case key.readyOps() will return a number whose bits represent the operations that are available to work on.

当然可以,但是 & 修改了它。

SelectionKey.OP_READ is another int. So I understand how these two relate.


So the first test (key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ) in my head this will return true or false.

又错了。它将 return 为零或 SelectionKey.OP_READ。 Java算术规则你要好好温习一下

true if key.readyOps() == SelectionKey.OP_READ is that correct?


or is it if key.readyOps() contains the correct bits set for OP_READ.


The start of that particular if statement contains the same test, but with OP_ACCEPT instead of OP_READ ... Then the next test in the sequence == SelectionKey.OP_READ what's happening here?

首先测试 OP_ACCEPT,然后测试 OP_READ.

In my head I see that evaluating like this:


if(true == SelectionKey.OP_READ)

true 不能等于整数。


if(false == SelectionKey.OP_READ)


But that can't be right can it? since OP_READ is an int?


Or will an int be true for anything except 0?

没有。 Java算术规则你要好好温习一下

So next, I'm wondering about handling reading once the above evaluates to true.

First I call SocketChannel sc = (SocketChannel); to get a handle on the channel.

否,要从 SelectionKey 中获取 SocketChannel

Then I ready my buffer and read from the socket with

    int bytesRead =;

Now I need to test what was read, correct?

您需要测试 return 由 read() 方法编辑的结果。

So I do something like this:

    if(read == -1){
        // The connection has been terminated, handle that. 
    }else if(read == 0){

    // Check data is complete

没有。如果数据已经完整,您应该已经知道了,您就不会再调用 read()

// if so switch to OP_WRITE 

没有。当 write() 的 return 为零时使用 OP_WRITE。没有其他时间了。

    // Read bytes into the buffer


So is the above an acceptable thing to do?

开始没有意义。您需要再仔细看看您引用的 IBM 教程。你在这里发布的误解不会出现在那里。