我如何重新添加 Bamboo 已自动删除的分支构建?

How do I re-add a branched build that Bamboo has automatically deleted?

我在 Bamboo 中有一个分支构建,配置为在 14 天后删除构建。

在我们的项目中,通常分支不会闲置那么久,但是由于圣诞假期和新年初期的一些优先事项,一个分支已经闲置超过 14 天。因此,它已退出分支构建列表。

如何将其添加回 Bamboo?

看看这个post: Deleted plans are not remade when code is pushed to existing branch.

  1. Go to Plan Configuration -> Branches, and click button in upper-right to manually add a branch.
  2. From branch add modal, select desired branch and check box for 'Enable branches'.
  3. (optional) on following screen for new plan branch, check the box to exempt this branch from getting pruned again.