
Preserve line breaks when converting string to list and then back again with join

我在将以下字符串转换为列表并再次转换回来时遇到困难。我希望它保留行结尾,它使用 python 的三重括号 (""") 来封装莎士比亚的诗句。诗句是:

fullText= """Hamlet's Soliloquay - Act III Scene i

To QUIZ or not to Be, that is the QUIZ:
Whether tis nobler in the QUIZ to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous QUIZ,
Or to take Arms against a QUIZ of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to QUIZ"""

当使用 print fullText 时,结果符合预期。但是当我将其转换为带有 fullText.split() 的列表并再次使用 " ".join(fullText) 返回时,结果是一个字符串,所有单词都在一行上。


显然我正在构建一个莎士比亚测验,要求用户用正确的单词替换所有 QUIZ 实例!

使用 splitlines() instead of split() 并使用 "\n".join():

加入换行符(如@PM 2Ring 建议的那样)
>>> print "\n".join(fullText.splitlines())
Hamlet's Soliloquay - Act III Scene i

To QUIZ or not to Be, that is the QUIZ:
Whether tis nobler in the QUIZ to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous QUIZ,
Or to take Arms against a QUIZ of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to QUIZ

如果你在 \n:

上拆分,你可以用 split 达到同样的效果
>>> print "\n".join(fullText.split('\n'))
Hamlet's Soliloquay - Act III Scene i

To QUIZ or not to Be, that is the QUIZ:
Whether tis nobler in the QUIZ to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous QUIZ,
Or to take Arms against a QUIZ of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to die, to QUIZ

不要使用 fullText.split()。 这会导致您错过行尾(并且您不知道它们在哪里)。
