Team Foundation Server 2015 中的多个欢迎页面

Multiple welcome pages in Team Foundation Server 2015

我们正在使用 TFS 2015 Update 1,并且刚刚注意到 'welcome pages' 功能。我已经看到一些使用此功能的屏幕截图,其中团队项目可以在其根目录中包含多个 .md 文件,并且它们都出现在欢迎页面的左侧导航栏中。但是,无论我将多少个 .md 文件添加到团队项目的根目录中,我似乎都无法显示多个菜单项。




We have made some recent design changes, which reserved the left pane for repository navigation for Git projects. We will be rolling out a change soon to introduce a Table of Contents on the welcome page, which will pick up other markdown files in your root directory.

In the meantime, a workaround is to provide a relative link to your other file from or use the Code Hub to view a tree of the files.

Thanks, Yi-Wei Ang, Program Manager - Visual Studio Online

Source:Other .md files not appearing on welcome page