在 Sublime 中更改标尺的颜色

Change the color of the rulers in Sublime

如何在 Sublime 中更改标尺的颜色,我似乎找不到设置此颜色的代码:

在构建 3150 之前,必须使用一种解决方法来设置标尺颜色 - 见下文。 Build 3150 及之后的配色方案支持 rulers 颜色。 (https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/1830)

CursorRuler plugin has a guide for this in it's Readme.

Ruler Colors

Speaking of ruler visual style, there's apparently no way to set the color of rulers directly. Rulers get their colors from your color scheme's foreground and background settings. The background setting overrides the foreground setting.

Despite the current lack of ability to directly set colors for rulers (as of ST2 build 2219 and ST3 build 3030) there's thankfully a workaround for it described here.

Basically, you need to change the overall default foreground color and/or background color of your color scheme and then add a rule for the text and source scopes which is used to override the default colors. For example, if we had a default foreground color which is meant to be used as the ruler and gutter foreground color:


then we would add

    <string>Text and Source Base Colors</string>
    <string>text, source</string>  

in order for us to define our actual default foreground color.