
Paypal app. From sandbox to live

我在我的应用程序中实现了 paypal 沙箱,在对他们的文档进行了数小时的头痛之后,我设法实现了一个使用他们的 RestAPI 的工作应用程序。现在我想使用该应用程序。


1. Ensure your application adheres to the PayPal Application Policies and Guidelines.
2. Update the Sandbox API credentials in your PayPal calls to those assigned to a live PayPal account.
3. Update your PayPal endpoints from the Sandbox to the PayPal production servers.
4. Register your application with PayPal.
5. If your application makes use of Adaptive operations, obtain a live AppID.
6. Go Live!

我不知道如何使用 PayPal 注册我的应用程序(第 4 点)。在文档中,它说我的应用程序需要得到 PayPal 的批准,仅此而已。我怎么做 ?如何提交我的应用程序以供审核?

如果我理解正确,第 1、2 和 3 点只影响我的代码,注册新凭据,对吗?

最后,我需要一个 appID,但我想一旦应用程序被 PayPal 批准上线,它就会出现。

我遵循的完整文档是 here


  1. 登录 http://developer.paypal.com
  2. 单击顶部的仪表板菜单项。
  3. 在 REST API 应用程序部分下,单击创建应用程序按钮。
  4. 继续执行创建应用程序的步骤。

根据 Paypal Documentation : Registering your application with PayPal :

Submitting your application

To submit your website or mobile application to PayPal:

Log into the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the PayPal account registered to the application owner.

Note: The PayPal account associated with the application must be a verified Premier or verified Business account. Click Dashboard at the top of the page to open the My Apps & Credentials page. (Alternately, you can go directly to the My Applications page by navigating to the My Apps & Credentials page on the Developer website.)

Registering a REST API app

In the REST API apps section, click Create app. See creating an app for more information. Registering an NVP/SOAP API app

Click Dashboard at the top of the page to open the My Apps & Credentials page. Click the Create and manage NVP/SOAP API apps link at the bottom of the page. Click New App on the left nav bar to access the App Information form. Complete the form and click the Submit App button. To ensure the fastest possible application review, supply as much information as possible when completing the submittal form. Tip: When filling out the application, be sure to provide the e-mail address that corresponds to the PayPal account that is used make API calls. The type of API operations used in your application dictates the review process applied to your application. PayPal divides applications into three distinct review categories:

Merchant APIs include Express Checkout, Website Payments Pro, Button Manager, Mass Pay, Recurring Payments, and all of the Informational APIs. Adaptive APIs include Adaptive Payments, Adaptive Accounts, the Permissions Service, and the Invoicing Service. Calls to these APIs require an AppID value. Mass Pay includes only the MassPay operation

根据 2020 年 PayPal 开发人员指南,您只需将他们想要注册您的应用程序所需的所有东西邮寄给他们。