不支持 Cefsharp Flash 插件

Cefsharp Flash plugin not supported

我正在尝试让一些 Flash 内容在 CefSharp v45 中运行。如果我导航到:https://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player.html 它告诉我

Flash Player is pre-installed in Google Chrome, but not enabled.



Dim settings As New CefSettings

    settings.CachePath = "cache"
    settings.CefCommandLineArgs("enable-system-flash") = "1"
    settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("ppapi-flash-path", "C: \Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application.0.2526.111\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll") ' //Load a specific pepper flash version (Step 1 Of 2)

    ' This call is required by the designer.

确保在应用设置后调用 InitializeComponent()(用于表单)。

通常,您会安装 Flash 的系统范围 PPAPI 版本,如前所述

A system-wide installation of Pepper Flash that will be automatically discovered and loaded by CEF on Windows and OS X can be downloaded from https://get2.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ (choose "FP for Opera and Chromium -- PPAPI") in Step 2). To enable use the system-wide installation pass the --enable-system-flash command-line argument.
