如何验证一个键是否在 Behat 中的数组中

How to verify if a key is into array in Behat

我的 behat 测试有问题。所以我有这样的场景:

Scenario: Teste la route /settlement/rank/types
Given I request "http:/localhost/admin"
Then  the response should be JSON
And   I should have code with value 200
And   I should have error with value 0
And   The response has a "aUser" property
And   This property "aUser" is not empty
And   The property "aUser" has the keys:
          |id_user |login |first_name |last_name |email |id_company |enable |id_language |label_language |

现在 FeatureContext 是:

 * @Given /^The property "([^"]*)" has the keys:$/
public function thePropertyHasTheKeys($aProperty, TableNode $table){
    $data = json_decode($this->_response->getBody(true),true);
    foreach($table as $value){
            throw new Exception("The property ".$value. " is not set\n");

$data 中,我有一个具有这种形式的数组:

|id_user |login |first_name |last_name |email |id_company |enable |id_language |label_language |

所以我想比较数组 $data 和数组 $table,如果键相同。


$data = json_decode($this->_response->getBody(true),true);
foreach($table as $key=>$value)

    if( !isset($data[$key]) ) { throw new Exception("The key ".$key. " is not set\n"); }
    if( $data[$key]!=$value ) { throw new Exception("The value ".$value. " is wrong\n"); }

我喜欢重用其他人的代码,以便更清楚地了解正在发生的事情 - 在这种情况下,PHPunit 可以很好地处理很多事情:

// outside the test class
require_once 'PHPUnit/Framework/Assert/Functions.php';

// convert $table to a clean array ....

// compare
$data = json_decode($this->_response->getBody(true), true);
assertEquals($table, $data, 'Decoded JSON does not match the given example');