可以 edit/change/delete 在 Gerrit 中发表评论吗?

Is possible to edit/change/delete a published comment in Gerrit?

我在 Gerrit 中添加了一条评论并发布了它。我想在发布后对其进行编辑。这可能吗?

否,Gerrit does not support editing comments 已发布。您可以在发布前编辑(或丢弃)它们,因为它们处于 "Draft" 状态。

但是,如果您迫切需要这样做,您必须能够访问 Gerrit 的数据库。您可以在 patch_comments table.


31.05.2018: 自 Gerrit v2.15 起,发布评论文本 can be deleted by Gerrit's administrators。这不会删除整个评论,而只会删除其内容。

the delete endpoint docs中有更多信息:

Instead of deleting the whole comment, [it] just replaces the comment’s message with a new message, which contains the name of the user who deletes the comment and the reason why it’s deleted. [...] Note that only users with the Administrate Server global capability are permitted to delete a comment.

此功能仅在新的 PolyGerrit 中可用UI。