Akka-streams - 如何访问流的物化值

Akka-streams - how to access the materialized value of the stream

我正在学习使用 Akka 流,并且非常喜欢它,但是具体化部分对我来说仍然有些神秘。


... trigger the immediate shutdown of a specific pool by calling shutdown() on the HostConnectionPool instance that the pool client flow materializes into

如何获取 HostConnectionPool 实例?



这是通过您问题中提供的 Source.viaMat function. Extending the code example from the link 完成的:

import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.HostConnectionPool
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Keep
import akka.stream.scaladsl.RunnableGraph

val poolClientFlow = Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[Int]("akka.io")

val graph: RunnableGraph[(HostConnectionPool, Future[(Try[HttpResponse], Int)])]  =
  Source.single(HttpRequest(uri = "/") -> 42)

val (pool, fut) = graph.run()


由于 Source.single 实体化为 Unit,因此 Keep.right 表示要保留 poolClientFlow 实体化的 HostConnectionPool。在 .toMat 函数中,Keep.both 表示让左侧池远离流,右侧 Future 来自 Sink.