
Negative look ahead regex

如何匹配前面没有 @ 符号的字符串?


没有产生预期的结果。我在 Sublime: Regular Expressions.cheatsheet

之后的 sublime text 中测试这个

您需要使用 lookbehind:


(?!@) 前瞻将检查 后面的 符号是否不是 @

一些more details:

Lookbehind has the same effect [VS: as lookahead], but works backwards. It tells the regex engine to temporarily step backwards in the string, to check if the text inside the lookbehind can be matched there. (?<!a)b matches a b that is not preceded by an a, using negative lookbehind. It doesn't match cab, but matches the b (and only the b) in bed or debt.

Negative lookbehind is written as (?<!text), using an exclamation point instead of an equals sign.