rails 使用 savon 通过 soap 基本身份验证

rails pass soap basic auth with savon

我正在尝试使用 savon gem
发送带有基本身份验证的 soap 请求 我的肥皂服务器设置为 wash_out gem

class OrdersController < ApplicationController  
     soap_service namespace: 'sir:WashOut', wsse_username: SIRA[:auth][:username], wsse_password: SIRA[:auth][:password]  


当我通过 savon 向 soap 服务器发出请求时,出现错误:

    @client = Savon.client(
      wsdl:  "http://localhost:3000/orders/wsdl",
      soap_header: { 'Username' =>SIRA[:auth][:username], 'Password' => SIRA[:auth][:password] }

  @response = @client.call(:notify ).to_hash


 Savon::SOAPFault: (Server) Missing required UsernameToken


@client = Savon.client(
  wsdl:  "http://localhost:3000/orders/wsdl",
  wsse_auth: [SIRENA[:auth][:username], SIRENA[:auth][:password] ],
  logger: Rails.logger

 @response = @client.call(:notify,  ).to_hash
client = Savon.client(
           wsdl: 'http://service.example.com?wsdl',
    soap_header: { 
                 "AuthenticateRequest" => 
                                {"apiKey" => "****** your api *********"}}, 
    pretty_print_xml: true)


response = client.call(:function)

Note: "apiKey" is my prams to authenticate, your can be different

对于Savon 2,基本授权可以如下进行:

@client = Savon.client(
  wsdl: "http://localhost:3000/orders/wsdl",
  basic_auth: ["username", "password"]

@response = @client.call(:notify ).to_hash