cloudant java 客户端是否支持列表功能?

Is the lists function supported in cloudant java client?

在 cloudant java 客户端 ( 中,是否支持此处描述的列表功能?

在 java-cloudant 2.2.0 中没有特定的 API 调用来与 _list 端点交互。


    // Compose the URI and create a HttpConnection to GET it

    URI listRequestURI = new URI(db.getDBUri().toString() 
                                 + "/_design/your-designdoc/_list/your-list/your-view");

    HttpConnection listRequest = Http.GET(listRequestURI);

    // Execute the request and get the response

    HttpConnection listResponse = account.executeRequest(listRequest);

    // Get the response in the desired format and process
    // or responseAsBytes()
    // or responseAsInputStream()