vlfeat 的 sift 函数中这个角度参数是什么意思?

what is the meaning of this angle parameter in vlfeat's sift function?


查看 original paper 第 5 部分。方向分配:

An orientation histogram is formed from the gradient orientations of sample points within a region around the keypoint [...] Peaks in the orientation histogram correspond to dominant directions of local gradients. The highest peak in the histogram is detected, and then any other local peak that is within 80% of the highest peak is used to also create a keypoint with that orientation. Therefore, for locations with multiple peaks of similar magnitude, there will be multiple keypoints created at the same location and scale but different orientations.

VLFeat 实现也解释了这一点(参见sift.c):

This histogram is then smoothed and the maximum is selected. In addition to the biggest mode, up to other three modes whose amplitude is within the 80% of the biggest mode are retained and returned as additional orientations.