
Linked List, Stuck on file management

我正在尝试读取名为 data.txt 的文件。并将其存储到如下所示的 LL 中

Quanta 2
New 2
Ready 2
A 1 3 
B 3 4
C 5 6
D 7 9

我想读取该文件,一次一行,将每一行存储在 LL 中的一个节点处,例如 A 1 3,将在一个节点处。


Name    Value
Quanta  2
New     2
Ready   2
Process   NUT   AT
A         1     3
B         3     4
C         5     6
D         7     9



姓名 |值|

3       1
4       3
6       5
9       7
A       1
B       3
C       5
D       7
New     2
Quanta  2
Ready   2



                #include <stdlib.h>
            #include <stdio.h>
            #include <string.h>

            #define NAME_LENGTH 20
            #define PROCESS_LENGTH 20

            //create quanta structure.

            typedef struct Quanta
                char* name;
                int Value;

                struct Quanta *next;

            Quanta* new_Q(char*, int);
            Quanta* insert_by_Q(Quanta*, Quanta*);
            void print_list(Quanta*);

            int main() 
                FILE *in;
                char* name = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char*) * NAME_LENGTH);
                char filename[25];
                int Value = 0;
            //1. --------------Error Checking-----------------
                printf("File name please:\n");

                in = fopen(filename, "rb");
                if (in == NULL)
                    printf("The input file failed to open.\n");
                    printf("Program cannot continue. Exiting. . .\n");
                    return 1; //Exit Program
                //2. ------Linked List Operations------
                Quanta* head = NULL; //Create Empty Linked List
                Quanta* current = NULL;
                while(!feof(in)) //Check for file end
                    //Read first data value to kickstart.
                    if(fscanf(in, "%s %d ", name,&Value) == EOF) 

                    Quanta* hold = new_Q(name, Value);
                    head = insert_by_Q(head, hold);

                //3. ------Print the new List------
                return 1; //Exit Success

            Quanta* new_Q(char* name, int Value) {

                //Create new Quanta and malloc space
                Quanta* new = (Quanta*)malloc(sizeof(struct Quanta));
                new->name = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * NAME_LENGTH);
                //Set data
                strcpy(new->name, name);
                new->Value = Value;
                new->next = NULL;
                //Retun a pointer to the node
                return new;


            //Inserts new node into an alphabetically sorted linked list.
            Quanta* insert_by_Q(Quanta* head, Quanta* new)
                Quanta* current = NULL;
                current = head;
                if(current == NULL || strcmp(current->name, new->name) > 0)
                    new->next = current;
                    return new;
                } else
                    while(current->next != NULL && strcmp(current->next->name, new->name) < 0)
                        current = current->next;
                    new->next = current->next;
                    current->next = new;
                    return head;


            void print_list(Quanta* head)
                Quanta* current;
                current = head;
                char p[] = "Name";
                char c[] = "Value";

                printf("\n\n|%10s | %10s| \n", p, c);

                while(current != NULL)
                    printf("|%10s |%10d|\n", current->name, current->Value);
                    current = current->next;

  typedef struct Quanta
        char* name;
        int Value;
        int Value1; /* To hold the second integer from line 4 onwards */
        struct Quanta *next;
    } Quanta;

使用 fgets() 读取文件末尾,读取每一行后使用 sscanf() 获取所需数据。我在这里假设为前 3 行存储 Value1=0,对于其余行,此字段已正确更新。

char buf[100];
char name[20];
int val=0,i=0,val1=0;
while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf),in) != NULL)
    if(sscanf(buf,"%s %d",&name,&val) == 2)
      Quanta* hold = new_Q(name, val,0);
      head = insert_by_Q(head, hold);
    if(sscanf(buf,"%s %d %d",&name,&val,&val1) == 3)
      Quanta* hold = new_Q(name, val,val1);
      head = insert_by_Q(head, hold);


Quanta* new_Q(char*, int,int);

保留第 4 行以后的额外值。

打印时请确保注意何时打印 val1 以及何时不打印。