P. Wadler 的命题类型中的 "roundabout proof" 是什么?

What is a "roundabout proof" in Propositions as Types by P. Wadler?

Propositions as Types中写着:

In 1935, at the age of 25, Gentzen15 introduced not one but two new formulations of logic—natural deduction and sequent calculus—that became established as the two major systems for formulating a logic and remain so to this day. He showed how to normalize proofs to ensure they were not "roundabout," yielding a new proof of the consistency of Hilbert's system. And, to top it off, to match the use of the symbol ∃ for the existential quantification introduced by Peano, Gentzen introduced the symbol ∀ to denote universal quantification. He wrote implication as A ⊃ B (if A holds, then B holds), conjunction as A & B (both A and B hold), and disjunction as A ∨ B (at least one of A or B holds).


我们以连词为例:A ∧ B.

如果我们知道 AB,我们可以推导出 A ∧ B:

 A   B
------- I
 A ∧ B


对偶地,如果我们知道 A ∧ B 我们可以推导出 A,或者 B:

 A ∧ B          A ∧ B
------- E1     ------- E2
   A              B


然后,如果我们知道 A 我们可以 证明 A 作为首先使用引入规则推导 A ∧ A,然后将其分解为A(和另一个 A)使用消除规则:

 A   A
------- I
 A ∧ A
-------- E1



相继演算"forbids"消元规则后引入规则。 Gentzen 的结果表明,此 属性 的逻辑与允许引入规则后消除规则的逻辑一样强大。如今这很重要,因为 space 的证明要小得多:首先我们消除(尽可能/需要地制作小公式),然后我们引入(建立目标)。这实际上很有用,例如,对于自动证明搜索或程序合成。

编辑 这个答案的第一个版本证明了 A ∧ B:

 A ∧ B         A ∧ B
------- E1    ------- E2
   A             B
  ----------------- I
         A ∧ B


A ∧ B

-------- ID A∧B

它似乎是唯一的另一个 "simple proof"。在 Haskell 语法中,可以这样写:

proof :: (a, b) -> (a, b)
proof (x, y) = (x, y)
-- or
proof x = x
proof = id


proof :: (a, b) -> (a, b)
proof x = fst (x, x)
