
Clojure :pre report failing value when destructuring

在此 SO post 之后,我想在我的函数中打印前提条件的值。但是在以下情况下它对我来说失败了(可能是解构):

我有一个 dir? 辅助函数(可以跳过这个):

(defn dir? [s]
  "returns true if the string passed is is an existing directory"
  (->> ( s)
       ((juxt #(.exists %) #(.isDirectory %)))
       (every? true?)))

它工作得很好,使用 is 宏,我得到了一些很好的错误消息,我可以在其中看到测试和传递的参数:

(is (dir? (io/file "resources/static"))) ;; => true

(is (dir? (io/file "resources/statice"))) ;; typo, error below

FAIL in clojure.lang.PersistentList$EmptyList@1 (boot.user4515592986834245937.clj:86) expected: (dir? (io/file "resources/statice")) actual: (not (dir? #object[ 0x6730a420 "resources/statice"]))

但是,当尝试在先决条件 :pre 中使用它时,我得到一个难看的错误:

(defn make-something
  [&{:keys [dir]
     :or {dir "default-dir"}}]
  {:pre [(is (dir? ( dir)))]}
  ;;... do something with these

(make-something :dir "resources/statices") ;; doesn't exist

clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: (is (dir? (io/file dir))), compiling:(boot.user4515592986834245937.clj:80:12) java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: (is (dir? (io/file dir)))


以防万一,我使用的是 Clojure 1.7。

您需要检查您的代码(dir? 函数)。以下代码段对我有用:

(require '[ :as io])

(defn dir? [s]
  (let [dir (io/file s)]
    (and (.exists dir)
         (.isDirectory dir))))

(defn make-something
  [& {:keys [dir] :or {dir "default-dir"}}]
  {:pre [(is (dir? dir))]}
  (println dir))

(make-something :dir "/tmp")
out => /tmp
ret => nil

(make-something :dir "/xxxx")
FAIL in clojure.lang.PersistentList$EmptyList@1 (form-init3332271312167175068.clj:1)
expected: (dir? dir)
actual: (not (dir? "/xxxx"))

AssertionError Assert failed: (is (dir? dir))  user/make-sth (form-init3332271312167175068.clj:1)