如何在 Varnish 中创建 default.vcl 中的自定义函数?

How to create custom function in default.vcl within Varnish?

我的 vcl 中有重复代码,我想创建自定义函数而不嵌入内联 C 代码。可能吗?


sub my_subroutine {


call my_subroutine;


Subroutines in VCL take neither arguments nor return values. Each subroutine terminates by calling return (action), where action is a keyword that indicates the desired outcome. Subroutines may inspect and manipulate HTTP header fields and various other aspects of each request. Subroutines instruct how requests are handled.

Subroutine example:

sub pipe_if_local { if (client.ip ~ local) { return (pipe); } }

To call a subroutine, use the call keyword followed by the subroutine’s name:

call pipe_if_local;

Varnish has built-in subroutines that are hook into the Varnish workflow. These built-in subroutines are all named vcl_*. Your own subroutines cannot start their name with vcl_.