Java 中如何处理 main() 参数的一些信息

Some informations of how handle the main() args in Java

我必须开发一个命令行 Java 应用程序,其中 main() 方法接受 2 个分别命名为 partitaIVAnomePDF[ 的字符串参数=32=].

因此,作为起点,我创建了这个简单的 Main class:

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World !!!");

我认为我可以从 Windows 控制台执行这个简约的应用程序,并且我可以在 Windows 控制台(或在Linux shell):

java Main 123456789 myDocument.pdf


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World !!!");

        String partitaIVA = args[0];
        String nomePDF = args[1];


1) 我知道我可以使用 Windows 命令行或 Linux shell 指定我的 2 个参数来执行此应用程序,但是我可以对我的 IDE控制台?具体在IntelliJ的运行标签中?


1)有个东西叫run/debug配置 (here are also sone details about the specific options you have:


在 Intellij (Linux) 中,您可以:

Press Alt + Shift + F10 (the run shortcut)

Press right key

Go down to Edit

Then press Tab to go to "Program arguments".

这是您在 IntelliJ 中传递参数的地方。之后只需点击 运行。

您应该花时间学习现代 CLI 参数解析器:




public class Main
private static final Logger LOG;

    LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Main.class);

private static Args init(@Nonnull final String[] args)
    final Cli<Args> cli = CliFactory.createCli(Args.class);
        return cli.parseArguments(args);
    catch (final ArgumentValidationException e)
        for (final ValidationFailure vf : e.getValidationFailures())
        System.exit(2); // Bash standard for arg parsing errors
        return null; // This is to make the compiler happy!

private static List<String> parseKey(@Nonnull final String key)
    return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(key.toLowerCase().split("\.")));

private static Map<String, Object> addNode(@Nonnull Map<String, Object> node, @Nonnull final List<String> keys, @Nonnull final String value)
    if (keys.isEmpty())
        return node;
    else if (keys.size() == 1)
        node.put(keys.remove(0), value.trim());
        return node;
    else if (node.containsKey(keys.get(0)))
        return addNode((Map<String, Object>) node.get(keys.remove(0)), keys, value);
        final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        node.put(keys.remove(0), map);
        return addNode(map, keys, value);

public static void main(final String[] args)
        final Args a = init(args);
        final Properties p = new Properties();
        p.load(new FileInputStream(a.getInputFile()));
        final HashMap<String, Object> root = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        for (final String key : p.stringPropertyNames())
            addNode(root, parseKey(key), p.getProperty(key));
        switch (a.getFormat().toLowerCase().charAt(0))
            case 'j':; break;
            case 'b' :; break;
            case 'x' : LOG.error("XML not implemented at this time!"); break;
            default : LOG.error("Invalid format {}", a.getFormat());
    catch (IOException e)
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

interface Args
    @Option(shortName = "i", longName = "input", description = "Properties file to read from.")
    File getInputFile();

    @Option(shortName = "o", longName = "output", description = "JSON file to output to.")
    File getOutputFile();

    @Option(shortName = "f", longName = "format", description = "Format of output Json|Binary|Xml")
    String getFormat();

    @Option(helpRequest = true, description = "Display Help", shortName = "h")
    boolean getHelp();
