Emacs org-mode,议程可以不显示计时但显示关闭吗?

Emacs org-mode, can agenda not show clocked but show closed?

在 Emacs 组织模式下,在议程视图或日志视图中,它显示已关闭和计时的任务。 我可以按 v l 来隐藏两者。但我只想隐藏定时任务并保留已关闭的任务。 原因是我想生成已关闭任务的报告,但不列出计时任务。

我查看了 Manual,但找不到。


List of items that should be shown in agenda log mode.
This list may contain the following symbols:

  closed    Show entries that have been closed on that day.
  clock     Show entries that have received clocked time on that day.
  state     Show all logged state changes.
Note that instead of changing this variable, you can also press `C-u l' in
the agenda to display all available LOG items temporarily.

设置(setq org-agenda-log-mode-items '(closed))将只显示已关闭的任务。