为什么 range(0) == range(2, 2, 2) 在 Python 3 中为真?

Why is range(0) == range(2, 2, 2) True in Python 3?

为什么在Python 3 中用不同值初始化的范围相互比较相等?


>>> r1 = range(0)
>>> r2 = range(2, 2, 2)
>>> r1 == r2

结果是True。为什么会这样?为什么具有不同参数值的两个不同 range 对象被视为相等?


Python 将比较 range objects as Sequences。这本质上意味着 比较不会评估 如何 它们代表给定的序列,而是 什么 它们代表。

startstopstep 参数完全不同的事实在这里没有区别,因为 它们在展开时都代表一个空列表:


list(range(0))  # []

和第二个 range 对象:

list(range(2, 2, 2)) # []

两者都代表一个空列表,并且由于两个空列表比较相等 (True),因此 代表的 range 个对象也相等 他们。

因此,您可以拥有完全不同的外观 range 对象;如果它们代表相同的序列,它们将 compare equal:

range(1, 5, 100) == range(1, 30, 100) 


不,range 对象确实 特殊:

但是请注意,即使比较不评估 如何 它们表示一个序列,比较的结果 也可以实现 仅使用 startstep 的值以及 range 对象的 len;这对比较速度有非常有趣的影响:

r0 = range(1, 1000000)    
r1 = range(1, 1000000)

l0 = list(r0)    
l1 = list(r1)


%timeit r0 == r1
The slowest run took 28.82 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached 
10000000 loops, best of 3: 160 ns per loop


%timeit l0 == l1
10 loops, best of 3: 27.8 ms per loop


作为 @SuperBiasedMan noted, this only applies to the range objects in Python 3. Python 2 range() is a plain ol' function that returns a list while the 2.x xrange object doesn't have the comparing capabilies () range 对象在 Python 3.

看看 for quotes directly from the source code on Python 3 range objects. It's documented in there what the comparison between two different ranges actually entails: Simple quick operations. The range_equals function is utilized in the range_richcompare function for EQ and NE cases and assigned to the tp_richcompare slot for PyRange_Type types

我相信 range_equals 的实现非常可读(因为它很简单)可以在此处添加:

/* r0 and r1 are pointers to rangeobjects */

/* Check if pointers point to same object, example:    
       >>> r1 = r2 = range(0, 10)
       >>> r1 == r2
   obviously returns True. */
if (r0 == r1)
    return 1;

/* Compare the length of the ranges, if they are equal 
   the checks continue. If they are not, False is returned. */
cmp_result = PyObject_RichCompareBool(r0->length, r1->length, Py_EQ);
/* Return False or error to the caller
       >>> range(0, 10) == range(0, 10, 2)  
   fails here */
if (cmp_result != 1)
    return cmp_result;

/* See if the range has a lenght (non-empty). If the length is 0
   then due to to previous check, the length of the other range is 
   equal to 0. They are equal. */
cmp_result = PyObject_Not(r0->length);
/* Return True or error to the caller. 
       >>> range(0) == range(2, 2, 2)  # True
   (True) gets caught here. Lengths are both zero. */
if (cmp_result != 0)
    return cmp_result;

/* Compare the start values for the ranges, if they don't match
   then we're not dealing with equal ranges. */
cmp_result = PyObject_RichCompareBool(r0->start, r1->start, Py_EQ);
/* Return False or error to the caller. 
   lens are equal, this checks their starting values
       >>> range(0, 10) == range(10, 20)  # False
   Lengths are equal and non-zero, steps don't match.*/
if (cmp_result != 1)
    return cmp_result;

/* Check if the length is equal to 1. 
   If start is the same and length is 1, they represent the same sequence:
       >>> range(0, 10, 10) == range(0, 20, 20)  # True */
one = PyLong_FromLong(1);
if (!one)
    return -1;
cmp_result = PyObject_RichCompareBool(r0->length, one, Py_EQ);
/* Return True or error to the caller. */
if (cmp_result != 0)
    return cmp_result;

/* Finally, just compare their steps */
return PyObject_RichCompareBool(r0->step, r1->step, Py_EQ);

我也在这里散布了一些自己的评论;查看 以获得 Python 等价物。

res = range(0) == range(2, 2, 2)



表示范围从00 - 0步(这里step等于默认值1),没有值的列表。

range(2, 2, 2)



range(0)returnsrange(0,0)。您从 0 开始到 0,第 1 步,这是未定义的,因为第三个参数不能为 0 [默认]。你不能用 1 达到 0。没有计数器的动作,因此 0。

range(2, 2, 2)returnsrange(2, 2, 2)。你从 2 开始到 2,但步长为 2。同样,这基本上是 0,因为你什么都不算。

range(0) == range(2,2,2) 


直接引自the docs(强调我的):

Testing range objects for equality with == and != compares them as sequences. That is, two range objects are considered equal if they represent the same sequence of values. (Note that two range objects that compare equal might have different start, stop and step attributes, for example range(0) == range(2, 1, 3) or range(0, 3, 2) == range(0, 4, 2).)

如果您将 ranges 与 "same" 列表进行比较,您将得到不平等,如 the docs 中所述:

Objects of different types, except different numeric types, never compare equal.


>>> type(range(1))
<class 'range'>
>>> type([0])
<class 'list'>
>>> [0] == range(1)
>>> [0] == list(range(1))

请注意,这明确仅适用于 Python 3。在 Python 2 中,range 只是 returns 一个列表,range(1) == [0] 计算为 True.

为了向本页的优秀答案添加一些额外的细节,比较了两个 range 对象 r0r1 roughly as follows:

if r0 is r1:                 # True if r0 and r1 are same object in memory
    return True
if len(r0) != len(r1):       # False if different number of elements in sequences
    return False
if not len(r0):              # True if r0 has no elements
    return True
if r0.start != r1.start:     # False if r0 and r1 have different start values
    return False
if len(r0) == 1:             # True if r0 has just one element
    return True
return r0.step == r1.step    # if we made it this far, compare step of r0 and r1

使用 startstopstep 参数可以轻松计算 range 对象的长度。例如在start == stop的情况下,Python可以立即知道长度为0。在non-trivial的情况下,Python可以直接做一个simple arithmetic calculation使用startstopstep 值。

所以在 range(0) == range(2, 2, 2) 的情况下,Python 执行以下操作:

  1. 看到 range(0)range(2, 2, 2) 是内存中的不同对象。
  2. 计算两个对象的长度;两个长度都是 0(因为两个对象中的 start == stop)所以需要另一个测试。
  3. 看到 len(range(0)) 是 0。这意味着 len(range(2, 2, 2)) 也是 0(之前的不等式测试失败)所以比较应该 return True