列出目录并显示每个文件的详细信息。使用 c 的所有者、八进制权限和文件名

list directory and display details of each file. owner, octal permissions and filename using c


listContents(char * dir) {

    struct dirent *direntp;
    DIR *dirp;

    if ((dirp = opendir(dir) ) == NULL) 
      perror ("Failed to open directory");
      return 1;

    while((direntp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL) {
        struct stat fileInfo;
        if (stat(direntp->d_name, &fileInfo) == 0);
            struct passwd * pInfo = getpwuid(fileInfo.st_uid);
                printf("owner is : %s\toctal permisions is: %o\n", pInfo->pw_name, fileInfo.st_mode);

    while ((closedir(dirp) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) ;

    return 0;


if (stat(direntp->d_name, &fileInfo) == 0); {


if (stat(direntp->d_name, &fileInfo) == 0) {

但是您的版本只能在当前目录中工作,因为您使用的是 stat,其中第一个参数应该是文件的完整路径,而不仅仅是名称。 我正在添加一些修改后的代码:

list_contents (char *dir) {
    struct dirent *direntp;
    DIR *dirp;
    char path[PATH_MAX + 1];
    char fpath[PATH_MAX + 1];

    if ((dirp = opendir(dir)) == NULL) {
        perror ("Failed to open directory");
        return 1;

    strcpy(path, dir);
    strcat(path, "/");

    while (NULL != (direntp = readdir(dirp))) {
        struct stat fileInfo;
        strcpy(fpath, path);
        strcat(fpath, direntp->d_name);

        if (stat(fpath, &fileInfo) == 0) {
            struct passwd * pInfo = getpwuid(fileInfo.st_uid);
            if(pInfo != NULL) {
                printf("%s - owner is : %s\toctal permisions are: %o\n", direntp->d_name, pInfo->pw_name, fileInfo.st_mode);

    closedir(dirp); // edited as chux proposed

    return 0;