需要一个定时器在特定时间触发,每 5 分钟触发一次,直到工作完成

Need A Timer To Fire At Specific Time And Every 5 Minutes Until Job Complete


我想在一天中的特定时间 运行 计时器(比如 4:00AM)。然后该计时器执行许多不同的事件,每个事件都会触发并从数据库中获取数据并进行处理(使用后台工作程序)。所有不同的事件需要不同的时间才能完成(可能是 30 秒,也可能是 5 分钟)。我想每 5 分钟连续输入一次计时器事件,然后检查所有事件是否已完成。如果是这样,请停止计时器并在第二天早上 4:00AM 重新启动它,依此类推。


04:00AM - 启动计时器并启动后台工作程序
04:05AM - 再次检查进程是否已完成(如果已完成,则停止计时器)
04:10AM - 再次检查进程是否已完成(如果已完成,则停止计时器)


到目前为止,我的 Tick 活动中有以下内容:

Private Sub tmr_Maintenance_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmr_Maintenance.Tick
    Dim CurrentTime As Date
    Dim CurrHour As Integer

        CurrentTime = DateTime.Now
        CurrHour = CurrentTime.Hour

        'Automatic Sales Import
        With My.Settings
            If CurrHour = 4 Then

                If Not .Maintenance_Ran Then
                    CreateLog("Maintenance Started")

                    If Not .Yesterdays_Sales_Imported Then
                        CreateLog("Importing Yesterday's Sales From Portal")
                        If Not YesterdaysSales_Worker.IsBusy Then YesterdaysSales_Worker.RunWorkerAsync()
                    End If

                    If Not .WTD_Sales_Imported Then
                        CreateLog("Importing Week To Date Sales From Portal")
                        If Not WeekToDateSales_Worker.IsBusy Then WeekToDateSales_Worker.RunWorkerAsync()
                    End If

                    If Not .LW_Sales_Imported Then
                        CreateLog("Importing Last Week Sales From Portal")
                        If Not LastWeekSales_Worker.IsBusy Then LastWeekSales_Worker.RunWorkerAsync()
                    End If

                    If .Yesterdays_Sales_Imported = True And .WTD_Sales_Imported = True And .LW_Sales_Imported = True Then
                        .Maintenance_Ran = True
                    End If
                End If
                .Maintenance_Ran = False
            End If
        End With

End Sub



Public Class Form1

    Private Enum MaintenanceState
    End Enum

    Private Target As DateTime
    Private state As MaintenanceState = MaintenanceState.WaitingToStart
    Private MaintenanceTime As New TimeSpan(4, 0, 0) ' 4:00 am
    Private WaitingInterval As New TimeSpan(0, 5, 0) ' Five minutes

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Target = GetNextMaintenanceTarget(MaintenanceTime)
        tmr_Maintenance.Interval = 1000
    End Sub

    Private Sub tmr_Maintenance_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmr_Maintenance.Tick
        ' optionally display time remaining until next target
        Dim ts As TimeSpan = Target.Subtract(DateTime.Now)
        Label1.Text = ts.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss")

        ' see if we've hit the target
        If DateTime.Now >= Target Then

            Select Case state
                Case MaintenanceState.WaitingToStart

                    ' ... start all the jobs ...

                    state = MaintenanceState.Started
                    Target = DateTime.Now.Add(WaitingInterval)

                Case MaintenanceState.Started

                    ' ... check to see if the jobs are all done ...

                    If Not AllJobsCompleted Then
                        Target = DateTime.Now.Add(WaitingInterval)
                        state = MaintenanceState.WaitingToStart
                        Target = GetNextMaintenanceTarget(MaintenanceTime)
                    End If

            End Select

        End If
    End Sub

    Private Function GetNextMaintenanceTarget(ByVal time As TimeSpan) As DateTime
        Dim dt As DateTime = DateTime.Today.Add(time)
        If DateTime.Now > dt Then
            dt = dt.AddDays(1) ' already past target time for today, next start is tomorrow
        End If
        Return dt
    End Function

End Class

与其每秒触发计时器并检查当前时间(无论如何这似乎有问题),为什么不计算凌晨 4 点之前的毫秒数并将计时器设置为在该时间触发?

Dim timer = New Timer()
timer.Interval = MillisecondsUntilNextFourAm


Function MillisecondsUntilNextFourAm() As Integer
    Dim now = DateTime.Now()
    If now.Hour < 4 Then
        Return (TimeSpan.FromHours(4) - now.TimeOfDay).TotalMilliseconds
        Return (TimeSpan.FromHours(28) - now.TimeOfDay).TotalMilliseconds
    End If
End Function

如果您希望计时器在 5 分钟后再次启动,您可以执行类似的操作。我会将定时器的 AutoReset 属性 设置为 False 并在设置间隔后每次调用 Start