
Where is an official code for the European Union defined?

ISO 3166 或 UN.M49 中没有欧盟代码。 CLDR 声明其自己的列表不包含欧盟的代码。我看到使用了代码 "EU",但我找不到包含它的任何官方列表。它是否在任何官方代码列表中?

事实证明,它本身不在列表 中,但代码 EU 由 ISO 3166 维护机构正式 "reserved"代表欧盟。这在 old version of the Maintenance Agency FAQ:


You can use EU for the name European Union. Please note that this is not an official ISO 3166-1 country code. The European Union is not a country but rather an organization. As such it is not eligible to be formally included in ISO 3166-1. Recognizing, however, that many users of ISO 3166-1 have a practical need to encode that name the ISO 3166/MA reserved the two-letter combination EU for the purpose of identifying the European Union within the framework of ISO 3166-1.

虽然该声明的部分内容在其他网站上被广泛引用(例如在 Wikipedia 上),但该文档显然不再可用。