Does the usage of CCCryptor warrant French import declaration certificate?
我们的应用程序使用 https/SSL
和 AES256
由 CCCryptor
提供的加密以及 keychain
Apps that meet the following
criteria are required to comply with French Encryption
Laws/Regulations if you intend to distribute your app in France. This
requirement applies to apps that use, access, implement, or
incorporate: (a) any encryption algorithm that is yet to be
standardized by international standard bodies such as IEEE, IETF,
ISO, ITU, ETSI, 3GPP, TIA, etc. or not otherwise published; or (b)
standard (e.g., AES, DES, 3DES, RSA) encryption algorithm(s) instead
of or in addition to accessing or using the encryption in iOS and/or
Mac OS X Apple will require you to upload a copy of your approved
French declaration when you submit your app to the App Store. Relevant
French encryption regulations can be found at:
standard (e.g., AES, DES, 3DES, RSA) encryption algorithm(s) instead
of or in addition to accessing or using the encryption in iOS
是 apple 开源的 class 所以它肯定应该已经是 iOS 中的加密但是根据这个 Related Whosebug post谁也用CCCryptor
您的问题已在 iTunes 常见问题解答中得到解答。具体见:
请参阅“我需要知道什么才能准确回答每个出口合规性问题?” 问题。
Sample Scenarios
Scenario 1: An app uses or accesses only encryption algorithms provided in iOS or Mac OS for its security features
-- Only US Encryption Registration (ERN) will be required (even if the app is distributed in France)
但最终您需要根据您的应用和规则做出自己的决定。我不是律师。我只是指出 Apple 关于此事的常见问题解答。
我们的应用程序使用 https/SSL
和 AES256
由 CCCryptor
提供的加密以及 keychain
Apps that meet the following criteria are required to comply with French Encryption Laws/Regulations if you intend to distribute your app in France. This requirement applies to apps that use, access, implement, or incorporate: (a) any encryption algorithm that is yet to be standardized by international standard bodies such as IEEE, IETF, ISO, ITU, ETSI, 3GPP, TIA, etc. or not otherwise published; or (b) standard (e.g., AES, DES, 3DES, RSA) encryption algorithm(s) instead of or in addition to accessing or using the encryption in iOS and/or Mac OS X Apple will require you to upload a copy of your approved French declaration when you submit your app to the App Store. Relevant French encryption regulations can be found at: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000005789847&dateTexte=#LEGIARTI000006421577 http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/archive/fr/reglementation/regl_crypto.html http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/site_article195.html http://www.ssi.gouv.fr/site_article197.html
standard (e.g., AES, DES, 3DES, RSA) encryption algorithm(s) instead of or in addition to accessing or using the encryption in iOS
是 apple 开源的 class 所以它肯定应该已经是 iOS 中的加密但是根据这个 Related Whosebug post谁也用CCCryptor
您的问题已在 iTunes 常见问题解答中得到解答。具体见:
请参阅“我需要知道什么才能准确回答每个出口合规性问题?” 问题。
Sample Scenarios
Scenario 1: An app uses or accesses only encryption algorithms provided in iOS or Mac OS for its security features
-- Only US Encryption Registration (ERN) will be required (even if the app is distributed in France)
但最终您需要根据您的应用和规则做出自己的决定。我不是律师。我只是指出 Apple 关于此事的常见问题解答。