Twilio 会议主持人和参与者姓名

Twilio conference moderation and participant name

我想将第一个加入会议的用户设置为主持人,我正在使用 twilio-python doc 来帮助我,但我没有看到任何相关信息。

第一个参与者应该是主持人,以便使另一个人静音、踢人等,但老实说,我不知道这是否真的需要,所以我愿意 "no need a moderator this"。

我还想知道与令牌相关的名称是否在参与者中,以便用这个而不是 SID 检索它。 (没有在文档中看到任何内容


@app.route('/call', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def call():
  resp           = twilio.twiml.Response()
  from_value     = request.values.get('From')
  to             = request.values.get('To')
  conferenceName = request.values.get('conferenceName')

  account_sid     = os.environ.get("ACCOUNT_SID", ACCOUNT_SID)
  auth_token      = os.environ.get("AUTH_TOKEN", AUTH_TOKEN)
  app_sid         = os.environ.get("APP_SID", APP_SID)
  clientTwilio  = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token)

elif to.startswith("conference:"):
    # allows to user conference call
    # client -> conference
    conferencesList = client.conferences.list(friendly_name=conferenceName)

  #there's no conference with the conferenceName so the first person should be the moderator and join it
    if len(conferencesList) == 0 
      #do somestuff to set a moderator [...]
      #there's already a conference just join it

以及与 token/client 相关的 "name" 我想用来检索参与者:

     //" = [[TCDevice alloc] initWithCapabilityToken:token delegate:self];
    NSDictionary *params = @{@"To": @"conference:foo"};
    self.connection = [ connect:params delegate:self];
        [self closeNoddersView:nil];
    //the user is connected as participant in the conference, is it possible to retrieve it with the "someName" ? (server side route which take a "someName" in param)

有线索吗? :/

我找到了使用 client:name 且不需要版主的解决方法

a conference contains a list of participant

a participant is related to a specific call

a call contains the information in the to and from_: client:name

@app.route('/conference_kick', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
    def conference():
      client          = TwilioRestClient(account_sid, auth_token)
      conferenceName  = request.values.get('conferenceName')
      participantName = request.values.get('participantName') 
      index           = 0
      call            = ""
      # A list of conference objects
      conferencesList = client.conferences.list(status="in-progress",friendly_name=conferenceName)
      if len(conferencesList) == 1:
        if conferencesList[0].participants:
          participants = conferencesList[0].participants.list()
          while index < len(participants): 
            call       = client.calls.get(participants[index].call_sid)
            array = call.from_.split(':')
            if participantName == array[1]:
              return json.dumps({'code' : 200, 'success':1, 'message':participantName+' kicked'})
            index      += 1  
          return json.dumps({'code' : 101, 'success':0, 'message':participantName+' not found'})  
          return json.dumps({'code' : 102, 'success':0, 'message':'no participants'})
        return json.dumps({'code' : 103, 'success':0, 'message':'no conference'})